Closed Sunja-An closed 3 weeks ago
Hi, "@studio-freight/react-lenis" has been deprecated in favor of "lenis/react". Please be sure it's up to date and read the documentation.
Thank you for your response!
But I faced another error "GSAP target not found. Error Component Stack".
I used that code on your but I think that gsap object cannot be detected.
This is the code that was studied.
const lenisRef = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
const dom = {
columns: document.querySelector(".section-col"),
columnWraps: document.querySelectorAll(".section-col .column-wrap"),
items: document.querySelectorAll(".section-cols .col-item"),
const SmoothScroll = () => {
function update(time: any) {
return () => gsap.ticker.remove(update);
const ScrollAni = () => {
scrollTrigger: {
start: 0,
end: "max",
scrub: true,
.addLabel("start", 0)
ease: "none",
startAt: { scale: 1.2 },
scale: 1,
.to(dom.items, {
scrollTrigger: {
start: 0,
end: "top top",
scrub: true,
ease: "power4.inOut",
startAt: {
opacity: 0,
filter: "brightness(300%)",
opacity: 1,
filter: "brightness(100%)",
yoyo: true,
repeat: 1,
ease: "none",
yPercent: (pos) => pos * -15,
}, []);
Additionally, I wrote the code
Sorry, I forgot the root option!
I changed to this code it works nicely!!
Thank you for your response!!
Hi, I'm a student who studies FrontEnd.
I faced a type error here. First, I tried this code that
I ran the dev server and I got a message that
TypeError: _studio_freight_react_lenis__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.default is not a constructor
After this error occurred, I changed the code that was written on the example.
but it doesn't operate also.
And I made the custom hook file that is written the same code.
It is also too.
I use the Next.js 14 by using Typescript, Tailwind.
How can I do?