darkstego / Mudeer

KDE Plasma Screen Splitting Shortcuts ideal for Ultrawide and Super-Ultrawide Monitors
MIT License
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Unable to use dual full screen #19

Closed scshafe closed 2 months ago

scshafe commented 7 months ago

Perhaps I'm just misunderstanding how I'm supposed to use the split full-screen or maybe I'm misundertanding the functionality itself. I should note I'm just using a regular size screen, I'm not sure if that should make a difference.

I'd like to watch a video in full screen mode on half my screen, while have a note taking application open on the other half. It doesn't matter to me if the note taking application is in full screen mode or simply occupies the rest of the screen in the normal window.

I have no other shortcuts set to meta+ctrl+shift+f, but I am unable to get a full screen application to use just half the screen as shown in the gif on the homepage.

I'm trying the following 2 ways: 1 starting with the video window simply in focus and the other with it already in full screen mode (taking up the entire screen).

meta+ctrl+shift+f + side arrow meta+ctrl+shift+f release then meta+side arrow

same with meta+alt+shift+f

neither will make the application occupy just half the screen.

I'm running X11server on

Kubuntu 22.04 KDE Plasma Version 5.24.7 KDE Frameworks Version 5.92.0 Qt Version 5.15.3

Am I misunderstanding the functionality/usage or is this an issue?

darkstego commented 6 months ago

I am unsure what the arrow key shortcuts are, since they aren't part of the default shortcuts. You might be triggering KDE shortcuts rather than the Mudeer ones.

Here is how I do it:

Hope this helps.