darkstego / Mudeer

KDE Plasma Screen Splitting Shortcuts ideal for Ultrawide and Super-Ultrawide Monitors
MIT License
158 stars 11 forks source link

Installation through KDE Store no longer works. #24

Open koenhendriks opened 3 months ago

koenhendriks commented 3 months ago

I've just updated to Plasma 6 and am trying to reinstall Mudeer.

When I try to download the Mudeer KWin script it shows me to option to pick either mudeer-KDE5.kwinscript or mudeer-KDE6.kwinscript


But when I click the install button nothing happens. The pop window just disappears and Mudeer doesn't seem to have been installed.

koenhendriks commented 3 months ago

I tried manually building / installing and receive an error about the metadata:

make install                                                                                                                                    ✔ 
(cd package && zip -r mudeer.kwinscript ./*)
  adding: contents/ (stored 0%)
  adding: contents/config/ (stored 0%)
  adding: contents/config/main.xml (deflated 60%)
  adding: contents/code/ (stored 0%)
  adding: contents/code/main.js (deflated 72%)
  adding: contents/ui/ (stored 0%)
  adding: contents/ui/config.ui (deflated 78%)
  adding: metadata.json (deflated 50%)
(cd package && mv mudeer.kwinscript ../)
kpackagetool6 -t KWin/Script -s mudeer \
        && kpackagetool6 -u mudeer.kwinscript \
        || kpackagetool6 -i mudeer.kwinscript
Error: Can't find plugin metadata: mudeer
Successfully installed /home/koen/.local/share/kpackage/generic/mudeer/
darkstego commented 3 months ago

I am trying to debug this. Did you have a previous version of the plugin installed?

koenhendriks commented 3 months ago

I did yes, I used to have Plasma 5 but updated this week. After the update it said I didn't have it installed anymore and I tried to install the Plasma 6 variant.

When checking manually I found it was still in ~/.local/share/kpackage/generic/mudeer/ and in ~/.local/share/kwin/. I've manually removed both those directories.

voznik commented 3 months ago

store / manual installation doesn't work for me either. I have same messages as for @koenhendriks , so I will skip inserting mine.

darkstego commented 3 months ago

So, I was able to get a machine with a similar issue and did the following to fix it

kpackagetool6 -t KWin/Script -r mudeer
rm -r ~/.local/share/kpackage/generic/mudeer
rm -r ~/.local/share/kwin/scripts/mudeer 

After that, you logout of KDE and log back in, and then try to install the script. Please tell me if this works.

darkstego commented 3 months ago

One more thing to try in case manual install is broken. In the makefile can you change the install section to be the following:

install: build
        kpackagetool6 -u $(PKGFILE) \
        || kpackagetool6 -i $(PKGFILE)