darktohka / FlashPatch

FlashPatch! Play Adobe Flash Player games in the browser after January 12th, 2021.
MIT License
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Support for some Chinese Flash Player versions #38

Closed ShinjoKurumi closed 1 year ago

ShinjoKurumi commented 1 year ago

Here're some versions of Chinese Flash Player that are not supported by FlashPatch yet. Please add support for them. Thanks!

Version List: (Windows + Linux) (Windows Only) (Windows Only) (Windows Only) (March 2023 New Release)

Unfortunately, standalone players are not available except version

Download link: https://asakaakemi-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/admin_miraclenet_ax_lt/EQ9zXyxaRqBNqH0kiKtCo_kBcpTDY81pS_gfRIM27k4Mag?e=JgSBpa

darktohka commented 1 year ago

Thank you! I've added support for Though, I don't see why I'd want to spend time bothering with these old versions. Eventually I want to create an auto-patcher that can patch the binaries without my intervention.