darktrojan / newtabtools

New Tab Tools add-on for Firefox and Chrome
255 stars 73 forks source link

Feature Suggestion #471

Open teBone2 opened 3 years ago

teBone2 commented 3 years ago

Hello Geoff, I would like to tip my proverbial hat to you, as your New-Tab Tools extension is by far my most favored of any add-on/extension that I employ. You've done an exceptionally good job on it!

I have no issues to be reporting to you, but as I do not see another way of asking for an additional feature to be included, I decided to attempt to ask even though I realize I have gone out the intended scope here for this spot was intended. So please accept my apology for that faux pas right up front.

The feature I would like to request is to add a setting that would enable a click upon any tile to send my browser toward the intended destination domain loading the site in a totally new tab that is not replacing the Newtab Tool's tab. I don't have the technical vocabulary to articulate this well. A pop-under tab maybe. Loading under what the browser is showing.

Hopefully that is clearer than the Alabama mud on my motorbike. Thank you for your attention. I will leave you alone now.

Robert Amerson