darkxst / silabs-firmware-builder

Silicon Labs firmware builder
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ZBDongle E - Port detected but no connection #28

Closed Jumperm closed 7 months ago

Jumperm commented 7 months ago

Hi, I try to update my ZBDongle-E from Stock to the newest NCP-version. When I plug in the stick, the correct CH9102 driver is loaded. The stick is detected in Chrome/Edge, but no connection is established. The CP2102 driver don't work with the stick. Newest CH9102 driver also don't work. Same at MacOS/Chrome. Any solution?

BR Tobias

darkxst commented 7 months ago

when did you try this? there were issues with the web flasher for the last week or so, but should be fixed now (as of Sunday).

Jumperm commented 7 months ago

Hi, i tryed it yesterday. Do i have a better chance when set the ZBDonglee in bootmode?!

Jumperm commented 7 months ago

I try to use the universal-silabs-flasher. Maybe the error help you to identify the problem.

C:\Users\Tobi\Downloads>universal-silabs-flasher --device COM3 flash --firmware ncp-uart-hw-v7.3.2.0-zbdonglee-115200.gbl
Error: 'ncp-uart-hw-v7.3.2.0-zbdonglee-115200.gbl' does not appear to be a valid GBL image: ValidationError('Image is truncated: tag value is cut off')

Status von Gerät COM3:
    Baudrate:        19200
    Parität:         None
    Datenbits:       8
    Stoppbits:       1
    Timeout:       OFF
    XON/XOFF:        OFF
    CTS-Handshaking: OFF
    DSR-Handshaking: OFF
    DSR-Prüfung:     OFF
    DTR-Signal:      ON
    RTS-Signal:      ON
darkxst commented 7 months ago

@Jumperm check that you correctly downloaded the raw firmware file (and not just saved the html page!)


Jumperm commented 7 months ago

@Jumperm check that you correctly downloaded the raw firmware file (and not just saved the html page!)


Big thanks! With the korrekt raw file it work! I just thought i have a bad ZBDongle-E. But what was wrong while using your web tool?!

darkxst commented 7 months ago

But what was wrong while using your web tool?!

It was broken for a short period earlier in the week, due to some upstream changes but should be fixed now. See #27 for the details. If its still not working for you now, grab the debug logs from the web flasher and post here.

Jumperm commented 7 months ago

It was broken for a short period earlier in the week, due to some upstream changes but should be fixed now. See #27 for the details. If its still not working for you now, grab the debug logs from the web flasher and post here.

I will post the correct log later...

(anonymous) @ flashing-dialog-a8f5f5ab.js?module:262
(anonymous) @ flashing-dialog-a8f5f5ab.js?module:262
Ie @ flashing-dialog-a8f5f5ab.js?module:262
selectSerialPort @ flashing-dialog-a8f5f5ab.js?module:281
await in selectSerialPort (async)
firstUpdated @ flashing-dialog-a8f5f5ab.js?module:262
_$AE @ nabucasa-zigbee-flasher.js?module:1
performUpdate @ nabucasa-zigbee-flasher.js?module:1
scheduleUpdate @ nabucasa-zigbee-flasher.js?module:1
_$Ej @ nabucasa-zigbee-flasher.js?module:1
await in _$Ej (async)
requestUpdate @ nabucasa-zigbee-flasher.js?module:1
u @ nabucasa-zigbee-flasher.js?module:1
x @ nabucasa-zigbee-flasher.js?module:1
ot @ nabucasa-zigbee-flasher.js?module:1
Ne @ flashing-dialog-a8f5f5ab.js?module:262
openFlasherDialog @ nabucasa-zigbee-flasher.js?module:37
await in openFlasherDialog (async)
handleEvent @ nabucasa-zigbee-flasher.js?module:1
flashing-dialog-a8f5f5ab.js?module:281 Uncaught (in promise) Event {isTrusted: true, type: 'error', target: script, currentTarget: null, eventPhase: 0, …}

Screenshot (14) I cant copy the log because there is no timeout of conection...

darkxst commented 7 months ago

It looks to be failing to download the flasher code. Do you have some privacy addons etc that block javascript or otherwise interfere?

OnkelBuTscH commented 7 months ago

Greetings, I have exactly the same problem where I have the connection loading screen but nothing else happens, there is no timeout or error message. I have tried the standard edge browser without any addons on 2 different systems. 3 weeks ago it worked for me without any problems.

Jumperm commented 7 months ago

I have a PiHole, that could be the Problem. I will try it and give you Feedback, but this weekend I have no time.

OnkelBuTscH commented 7 months ago

That was indeed the case when I temporarily deactivated the pihole for my client it worked again. Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out which domain it was because none of them was listed as blocked.

Jumperm commented 7 months ago

I deaktivate the PiHole and it work. So I turn on the filter again and now it also work... @darkxst where can I buy you a coffee ;) Big thx for support and the great tool!

without adding it to whitelist it work!

Bildschirmfoto 2023-12-02 um 10 06 11
darkxst commented 7 months ago

@darkxst where can I buy you a coffee ;) Big thx for support and the great tool!

@Jumperm You can find my page here, if you would like to help support my projects that would be great, thanks https://www.buymeacoffee.com/darkxst

darkxst commented 7 months ago

without adding it to whitelist it work!

It has probably cached the scripts in your browser after running the first time