darmbrust / weatherlink

Data logger and Desktop GUI for Davis WeatherLink
Apache License 2.0
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WeatherlikDebug #2

Open JUAN1936 opened 3 years ago

JUAN1936 commented 3 years ago


darmbrust commented 3 years ago

Your attempts at (and prior) to 6:25 were still seeing the strange error that appears to indicate interference by something else on the computer. Your last attempt, at 6:34 indicates it couldn't find your WLL.

Did you change something between those two attempts?

You can try manually setting your IP address to by adding it to the startup command. https://github.com/darmbrust/weatherlink/blob/develop/README.md#setting-options-on-windows

JUAN1936 commented 3 years ago

Hi again darmbrust, I still can't solve the problem, the device finds it, but can't seem to read the data. It could be a problem for the units, in my case metrics of the sensors. Regards and thanks for everything weatherLinkDebug.log

darmbrust commented 3 years ago

You didn't get the parameters quite like it expected.

Try this:

javaw -jar weatherlinkWindows.jar

JUAN1936 commented 3 years ago

Nothing Darmbrust. Literally says "Error starting data reading" Everything remains the same. I leave it for the moment. Thank you so much for everything.

darmbrust commented 3 years ago

I forgot to give you the extra parameter in the above, again - you still need this too - most likely. Either this, or disable your firewall as a test.

javaw -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -jar weatherlinkWindows.jar

One of your log files, up above, showed one time where it started without the "Error starting data reading" error - and I don't know what you had done when you did that test. But in that particular test, it couldn't find the IP of the WLL. Which is why I suggessted you also add the IP on the command.

What firewall / antivirus software do you have installed on this machine? Standard windows, or, something else?

JUAN1936 commented 3 years ago

windows defender