darmuh / suitsTerminal

suitsTerminal for Lethal Company
MIT License
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Feature Request - Suit preview / Favouriting #3

Closed anon-cfg closed 1 week ago

anon-cfg commented 5 months ago

Ability to see what suits look like before equipping them. It's really the only thing I miss compared to using the suit rack. Maybe if when you brought up the list of suits, you could use arrow keys to highlight each one (Similar to Advanced Company perks menu), have a scrollbar instead of pages, and have a preview on the right side of the screen showing what that suit looked like? Also a way to mark suits as favourites, so you could just bring up a favourites menu with your personally preferred suits. (or favourites always appear at the top) suits

darmuh commented 5 months ago

Since the suits are loaded dynamically based on what is loaded in the pack I'm not sure if I'll be able to provide previews. A favorites system sounds possible, but probably not in the same way as AdvancedCompany. AdvancedCompany completely modifies the terminal system and replaces it with it's own.

I'll leave this open and can definitely consider it at a later date 👍

anon-cfg commented 5 months ago

I was thinking maybe if highlighting the suit equipped it automatically, there might be a way to copy how mods like mirrordecor work to show a live view of the player in their mirror, for you to look at yourself? I know this is really complex to change the terminal so much, so I understand if it's not possible. Thanks for considering my idea

darmuh commented 5 months ago

Hmm, maybe something to look into. I do want to keep this mod fairly lightweight so if it gets too complicated in the terminal I might not accomplish that goal anymore lol

Like i said, not completely axing the idea, just need to ponder it some more

ItsGreyToday commented 3 months ago

Any chance that this would be reconsidered? Maybe you can use something from your TerminalStuff mod regarding cameras to display a suit somewhere in the map, then just change the suit object's textures as the user iterates or selects a suit.

Would be awesome if you could replicate the map monitor's functionality of display iteration (along with left/right arrow button controls). Iteration would not be ideal if there were too many suits though, listing and allowing the user to select might be better then.

darmuh commented 2 months ago

Any chance that this would be reconsidered? Maybe you can use something from your TerminalStuff mod regarding cameras to display a suit somewhere in the map, then just change the suit object's textures as the user iterates or selects a suit.

Would be awesome if you could replicate the map monitor's functionality of display iteration (along with left/right arrow button controls). Iteration would not be ideal if there were too many suits though, listing and allowing the user to select might be better then.

I really appreciate this suggestion. Currently working on my first implementation of this and there's some WIP footage on the modding discord (unfortunately the clip is too big for github lol)

darmuh commented 2 months ago

Just pushed update 1.1.0 which added a new interactive menu with something similar to what was suggested here by @ItsGreyToday (thanks again for the idea)

I have an idea on how to implement favorites but saving that for a later date. Will keep this issue open as a reminder :)

darmuh commented 2 months ago

oh and here's a quick video showcasing the update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOm86ieLVfM

ItsGreyToday commented 2 months ago

oh and here's a quick video showcasing the update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOm86ieLVfM

This is very awesome! Definitely what the community needs!

I saw the video and took a quick check at the discussion in the discord thread. From what I've seen, I do think that a full-body front and back cam (simultaneously) would be the best preview.

The back cam you could easily implement, but for the front cam, I'm not sure since there's the terminal in the way. Maybe you can try not rendering the terminal for the front cam?

As for the cam being full-body, I'm not sure if you're limited to that aspect ratio but if you are then maybe you can have two cams, one for the upper part, one for the lower part, then just fine-tune to make it seamless.

If that doesn't eat up much performance then it would truly be a wanted feature. This would be a suggestion if you do think it's possible, but nonetheless awesome job on the update!


ItsGreyToday commented 2 months ago

As for the cam being full-body, I'm not sure if you're limited to that aspect ratio but if you are then maybe you can have two cams, one for the upper part, one for the lower part, then just fine-tune to make it seamless.

If this is too expensive, then the only other thing I could think of is spawning 2 player models or copy of masked entities (with 0 power) somewhere in the map to fit in one camera.

Or, add a mannequin furniture that uses the player model and somehow change its texture/model.

darmuh commented 2 months ago

@ItsGreyToday I'm thinking maybe a simpler low cost way to achieve this would be transitioning the camera to different angles every few seconds or so? Im pretty sure I could have it either constantly spinning around or have it switch to different angles. It would be a lot simpler and affect performance much less than creating/displaying multiple cameras.

ItsGreyToday commented 2 months ago

@ItsGreyToday I'm thinking maybe a simpler low cost way to achieve this would be transitioning the camera to different angles every few seconds or so? Im pretty sure I could have it either constantly spinning around or have it switch to different angles. It would be a lot simpler and affect performance much less than creating/displaying multiple cameras.

Being able to switch to different fixed angles with a key press sounds better than smooth spinning/interval transitioning.

darmuh commented 2 months ago

@ItsGreyToday I'm thinking maybe a simpler low cost way to achieve this would be transitioning the camera to different angles every few seconds or so? Im pretty sure I could have it either constantly spinning around or have it switch to different angles. It would be a lot simpler and affect performance much less than creating/displaying multiple cameras.

Being able to switch to different fixed angles with a key press sounds better than smooth spinning/interval transitioning.

How's this looking? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fJ2Vm1iekQ

darmuh commented 2 months ago

just pushed the above in 1.1.3, since it also came with some other fixes

ItsGreyToday commented 2 months ago

How's this looking? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fJ2Vm1iekQ

Not what I was expecting, but that works!! Now we can conveniently drip out with style!

On a side note, I think you should center the side angles a bit more with the body/head as reference instead of the model.


darmuh commented 2 months ago

How's this looking? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fJ2Vm1iekQ

Not what I was expecting, but that works!! Now we can conveniently drip out with style!

On a side note, I think you should center the side angles a bit more with the body/head as reference instead of the model.


calculating the camera angles is a bit complicated so this tweak may take some time.

In other news, update 1.2.0 today introduced a favorites system 😁