darnton / LeafletBlazor

Blazor component for interop with Leaflet slippy map library.
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How to add Icon to MarkerOptions? #11

Open cwschroeder opened 3 years ago

cwschroeder commented 3 years ago

I tried to extend the MarkerOptions by an Icon object like that.

public class Icon : InteropObject
        public IconOptions IconOptions { get; set; }

        public Icon(string iconUrl)
            this.IconOptions = new IconOptions()
                IconUrl = iconUrl,


        protected override async Task<IJSObjectReference> CreateJsObjectRef()
            return await JSBinder.JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<IJSObjectReference>("L.icon", IconOptions);

public class IconOptions
    public string IconUrl { get; set; }

Unfortunately the JS-Runtime throws an error because createIcon() does not exist. What is missing?

timothyparez commented 3 years ago