daroczig / binancer

An R client to the Public Rest API for Binance.
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Adaptability to other exchanges API (bybit, kucoin...) #29

Closed GB49 closed 1 year ago

GB49 commented 1 year ago

First, let me thank you for the work you've done with binancer package. It works great, and I'am using it a lot for research purpose.

Question is not really an issue but mostly a request/question. (I already asked the question on stackoverflow first but I didnt get answers).

I'd like to get similar historical crypto data 'klines' for other exchanges, such as Kucoin or Bybit. I tried to look in your functions codes but I failed on adapting your code to other exchanges API. Would you have an idea how to proceed please ?

Thank you, Greg

daroczig commented 1 year ago

Hi Greg,

Thanks a lot for your kind words.

Actually, this package was started in mind with other crypto API as well, e.g. I wrote the first few functions with support for both Binance and Huobi, but it was a burden to maintain both, and I decided to drop the latter at https://github.com/daroczig/binancer/commit/f42189dbb0ec6c30b3f21137e5314dd040feb5ee

So if anyone is stepping up to contribute and maintain wrappers for other APIs, I'm happy to take those, but it probably would make more sense to create a new package for the other networks anyway ...

In short, I will not be able to work on other API integrations in the near future, so closing this -- sorry for not being helpful.

Also, if I started this from scratch, probably would rather take a more supported Python package and wrap in in reticulate to be able to use in R instead of reimplementing the API client from scratch :zipper_mouth_face: