darold / ora2pg

Ora2Pg is a free tool used to migrate an Oracle database to a PostgreSQL compatible schema. It connects your Oracle database, scan it automatically and extracts its structure or data, it then generates SQL scripts that you can load into PostgreSQL.
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Data Mismatch for geometry column from Oracle to postgres #1337

Closed mukesh3388 closed 2 years ago

mukesh3388 commented 2 years ago

Hi Team,

We are extracting the data from Oracle for Geometry column from Ora2Pg tool and when we are importing the data into the postgres , its is completely different from Oracle, we tried both the insert and Copy command. Please help, below is the example.

Below is the Oracle create Table script -; _CREATE TABLE UNIT_PROPERTY ("GEOMETRY" "MDSYS"."SDOGEOMETRY") Below is the Postgres Create Table Script from ORa2Pg Tool -: _CREATE TABLE unitproperty (geometry geometry(POLYGONZ,4326) ; Below is the Insert Statement from ora2pg Tool -: INSERT INTO unit_property (geometry) VALUES (ST_GeomFromText('POLYGONZ ((-87.8562677 37.4892555 0.0, -87.8550168 37.4884629 0.0, -87.8541208 37.487885 0.0, -87.8531547 37.4872743 0.0, -87.8528804 37.487213 0.0, -87.8523138 37.4872451 0.0, -87.8518654 37.4872792 0.0, -87.8515047 37.4873659 0.0, -87.8512015 37.4874753 0.0, -87.8508466 37.4876516 0.0, -87.8504561 37.4878009 0.0, -87.8502505 37.4878739 0.0, -87.8500223 37.4879015 0.0, -87.8498417 37.4879839 0.0, -87.8496687 37.4881358 0.0, -87.8495365 37.4883809 0.0, -87.8494141 37.4885961 0.0, -87.8491102 37.4889812 0.0, -87.8489472 37.4891953 0.0, -87.8483968 37.4900309 0.0, -87.8502369 37.4922706 0.0, -87.8505341 37.4924736 0.0, -87.8509166 37.4926391 0.0, -87.8511293 37.4927186 0.0, -87.8562677 37.4892555 0.0))', 8307),'2005-01-27 09:51:23','2007-11-27 19:57:05')

So first I have change the Column Geometry (geometry geometry(POLYGONZ,4326) to (geometry geometry(POLYGONZ,8307) ;

After Table creation in Postgres and data is inserted sucsessfully into the postgres database.

But when i am selecting that particular data it is shwoing like below.


So i just want to know whether the data is correct from the Postgrs Database as it is not showing in the same way as it is showing in Oracle like , Cordinates.

Please help here

darold commented 2 years ago


First, when there is no SRID information, Ora2Pg use 4326 by default. You can change this using the DEFAULT_SRID in ora2pg.conf.

What SQL query are you using to retrieve the data above? It look to be a simple SELECT geometry FROM unit_property; by default the output is the binary form or the geometry, if you want the text output use the following:

SELECT ST_AsText(geometry) FROM unit_property;

So this is not an Ora2Pg issue but related to a PostgreSQL+PostGis use but if the geometry is not correctly exported that could be.

mukesh3388 commented 2 years ago

Thanks darold for the information.

Can you confirm me please which SRID i have to use in postgres and from where i can check the SRID in oracle or equivalent.

Thanks Mukesh Kumar

darold commented 2 years ago

Sorry for responding so late, I guess that since this time you have found the way to get the default SRID used in Oracle. Closing.