darold / ora2pg

Ora2Pg is a free tool used to migrate an Oracle database to a PostgreSQL compatible schema. It connects your Oracle database, scan it automatically and extracts its structure or data, it then generates SQL scripts that you can load into PostgreSQL.
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Fix for subquery where clause issue #1768

Closed newtora2pg closed 2 months ago

newtora2pg commented 2 months ago

sub-query where clause issue inside procedure

Hi Team,

We have found one issue within the code related to sub-query DDLs inside procedures, particularly when a sub-query with a WHERE clause is involved.

Example Problem: In Oracle SQL, consider the scenario where a sub-query with a WHERE clause is utilized within a procedure with no space between where and ")".This is a valid syntax in oracle. Upon conversion to ora2pg code, a specific issue arises, noted as "alias0WHERE". This arises due to the following scenario:

Example DDL:

CREATE PROCEDURE GetEmployeesInDepartment(IN department_name VARCHAR(50)) BEGIN -- Select employees belonging to the specified department using a subquery SELECT * FROM ( SELECT id FROM departments WHERE name = department_name )WHERE id=1; END

Expected Result:

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE getemployeesindepartment (IN department_name varchar(50) AS $body$ BEGIN -- Select employees belonging to the specified department using a subquery PERFORM * FROM ( SELECT id FROM departments WHERE name = department_name ) alias0 WHERE id=1; END; $body$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL ;

Current Result (Using Ora2Pg):

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE getemployeesindepartment (IN department_name varchar(50) AS $body$ BEGIN -- Select employees belonging to the specified department using a subquery PERFORM * FROM ( SELECT id FROM departments WHERE name = department_name ) alias0WHERE id=1; END; $body$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL ;

Issue Overview: The issue arises when there is a sub-query associated with a WHERE clause and the ")"and where clause dont have any space inbetween. During conversion with ora2pg, a space deficiency between "alias0" and "WHERE" leads to the concatenated term "alias0WHERE".

Issue Scenario: Consider the following SQL queries:

Select from (select name from emp)WHERE id=1; (Issue: "emp)WHERE") Select from (select name from emp) WHERE id=1; (Correctly formatted) In the first scenario, the absence of space results in "emp)WHERE", which is not conducive to proper ddl conversion in ora2pg.

Issue Explanation: Upon conversion, the space deficiency between "alias0" and "WHERE" causes the concatenation of terms, leading to erroneous ddl conversion.

Implemented Solution: To rectify the issue, an extra space has been introduced in the Regex Substitution .