darold / ora2pg

Ora2Pg is a free tool used to migrate an Oracle database to a PostgreSQL compatible schema. It connects your Oracle database, scan it automatically and extracts its structure or data, it then generates SQL scripts that you can load into PostgreSQL.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Mysql to postgresql migration #1784

Closed mgole001 closed 1 day ago

mgole001 commented 1 month ago


Attempting a mysql to postgresql migration and running the import-all.sh script

I have following custom parameter values set in ora2pg conf file SKIP keys keys keys indexes checks Fkey_deferable 1 Drop_key 1

I am trying to import directly to the postgresql database It gives me following error and aborts import Fatal: error : null value in column ----- violates not null constraint

How to resolve this issue, my understanding is that by setting above non custom values (1) for certain parameter in ora2pg conf file I had assumed that constraints would be skipped/not checked during import?


darold commented 1 month ago

Don't import constraint and indexes before importing data is the best solution.

mgole001 commented 1 month ago

Yes agree, so while doing import for the below option I choose N, still it gave me above null constraint error, is there another way to not import constraint prior to data import

Would you like to process indexes and constraints before loading data? [y/N/q] N

mgole001 commented 1 month ago

I tried the following but still gives not null constraint violation error, using ora2pg version V24.1

  1. Import only schema by using Import_all.sh - I - s
  2. Copy data (this step gives not null constraint violation error)
  3. Import constraint/indexes/trigger Import_all.sh - i

How do I resolve this error ? Thanks

darold commented 1 month ago

Fix the data, if you have a column with a NOT NULL constraint, whether you create the constraint before or after this is the same.

mgole001 commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks for the input

Another issue While importing using Import_all.sh - I - s I get below error

Psql:./schema/tables/table.sql:45:error: invalid command \'$.clid ErROR: An error occurs when importing file. /schema/tables/table.sql

When I look into table.sql here is the line which is erroring out? Can you help why the importing is giving error for this line

Clid varchar(255) Generated always as (json_unquote(json_extract(cust, _utf8mb4\'$.clid\'))) STORED

darold commented 4 weeks ago

Please post de MySQL DDL of this table.

mgole001 commented 4 weeks ago

CREATE TABLE test.activation (id bigint (16) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, hours int (10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 4, details json NULL, cust json NULL, updated_at datetime(0) NOT NULL, clid varchar (255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8mb3_general_ci GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_unquote(json_extract(cust, _utf8mb4\'$.clid\'))) VIRTUAL NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id)) ENGINE InnoDB COLLATE 'utf8mb3_general_ci' ROW_FORMAT DEFAULT;

mgole001 commented 4 weeks ago

Hi, any update on how to resolve this issue? Thx

darold commented 3 weeks ago

Commit e35a82c might fix this particular case but more complex call to json_extract() might fail. Also here the call to json_unquote can not be replaced so you still have to edit the output DDL file.