darold / pgbadger

A fast PostgreSQL Log Analyzer
PostgreSQL License
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bug with --explode option #782

Open Tiago-Anastacio opened 1 year ago

Tiago-Anastacio commented 1 year ago

Hi Gilles, I am using this statement : /usr/bin/pgbadger -p '%t [%p]: [%l-1] user=%u,db=%d,app=%a,xid=%x,sqlstate=%e,client=%h,queryid=%Q ' --anonymize --explode --top 40 --dns-resolv -R 26 --start-monday -I -O /apppgmetri/users/apppgmetri/reports/pgbadger/appli11_sandbox ssh://pgappli1@host.com//pgappli1/data/pg_data/log/postgresql-*.log

First time I run it is is ok, then from time to time I have this error message
ERROR: can't read list of database from file /tmp/dblist.tmp, No such file or directory More over return code is always 0, despite error message.

I try to remove some options and I found where this comes from: --explode option

Finally I have a question I know with ssh -J --Jobs doesn't work, but what about -j --jobs (many processes on a single file) shoudn't it work) ?

Thank you