darold / sendmailanalyzer

Sendmail log Analyzer is a tool to monitor sendmail usage and generate HTML and graph reports. It reports all you ever wanted to know about email trafic on your network. You can also use it in ISP environment with per domain and per mailbox report.
GNU General Public License v3.0
76 stars 13 forks source link

httpd.conf configuration not working #84

Closed randelski closed 7 months ago

randelski commented 7 months ago

I'm having an issue wherein after I configured the necessary configurations and copied the sendmailanalyzer in the directory of /usr/lib/systemd/system/

it doesn't open still and also this link " 4. Browse to http://mta.host.dom/sareport/ to ensure that things are working properly." also appears to be broken.

does this support centos 7?? if so why does it say this?

[root@gracious-hodgkin ~]# systemctl start sendmailanalyzer.service Failed to start sendmailanalyzer.service: Unit not found.

Even though when I checked the status it says

[root@gracious-hodgkin system]# systemctl status sendmailanalyzer.service ● sendmailanalyzer.service - SendmailAnalyzer a sendmail/postfix log analyzer Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/sendmailanalyzer.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: inactive (dead)

edit: also where specifically in the Apache2 configuration directory of should I put this?

  Alias /sareport /usr/local/sendmailanalyzer/www
        <Directory /usr/local/sendmailanalyzer/www>
            Options ExecCGI
            AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
            DirectoryIndex sa_report.cgi
            #-- Some browser might need this line (Chrome, Safari)
            Header always set X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"
            #-- Apache 2.2
            #Order deny,allow
            #Deny from all
            #Allow from
            #-- Apache 2.4
            Require all denied
            Require ip

I used the directory of cd /etc/httpd/conf vi httpd.conf