In my orders table, it has a onetomany filed maps to a table called orderitem. Then in the orderItem table, it has a foreign key maps to product table. The product has SKU and name fields.
Something like:
Order -> [ordrid, customerName.... orderItems[]...]
OrderItem- > [orderItemId, quantity... product..]
Product -> [productId, sku, name ...]
So I want to be able to search by product sku and name from the UI.
In my orders table, it has a onetomany filed maps to a table called orderitem. Then in the orderItem table, it has a foreign key maps to product table. The product has SKU and name fields.
Something like:
Order -> [ordrid, customerName.... orderItems[]...] OrderItem- > [orderItemId, quantity... product..] Product -> [productId, sku, name ...]
So I want to be able to search by product sku and name from the UI.
How can I do that? thanks!