darrachequesne / spring-data-jpa-datatables

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Spring Boot DataTable TIMESTAMP range search #94

Closed wallac3gg closed 5 years ago

wallac3gg commented 5 years ago

Timestamp FIELD - "created" ( Postgresql )

In postgresql I have dates in format

createdDate : "2018-11-01 23:51:33.534" (TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE)

I would like to retrieve all orders for 2018-11-01.


public Predicate toPredicate(Root<Parlamentares> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder) {

  Expression<Timestamp> createdDate = root.get("created").as(Timestamp.class);

  if (dateBegi != null && dateEnd != null) {
    return criteriaBuilder.between(createdDate, dateBegi, dateEnd);
  } else if (dateBegi != null) {
    return criteriaBuilder.greaterThanOrEqualTo(createdDate, dateBegi);
  } else if (dateEnd != null) {
    return criteriaBuilder.lessThanOrEqualTo(createdDate, dateEnd);
  } else {
    return criteriaBuilder.conjunction();

Everything works fine when i'm using "createdDate DATE column".

dateBegi : "2018-11-01" comes from daterangepick.

How to resolve this problem? Any ideia ?

Edit: code block

darrachequesne commented 5 years ago

What are the Java types of the dateBegi and dateEnd variables? java.sql.Date ? java.util.Timestamp?

Are you able to reproduce the issue, by forking the test here for example?

You could also set the log level of org.hibernate.SQL to DEBUG, to see the generated query.

wallac3gg commented 5 years ago

Both comes as STRING from (DataTablesInput input), then i convert to java.util.Date.

dateBegi and dateEnd both variables java.util.Date. I tried putting both variables java.sql.Date and it not worked.

Tried Expression with java.util.Date, without success.


================== 2018-11-26 : DEBUG 3340 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] org.hibernate.SQL : select parlamenta0_.id as id15, parlamenta0_.age as age25, parlamenta0_.created as created35, parlamenta0_.nascimento as nascimen45, parlamenta0_.nome as nome55, parlamenta0_.salary as salary65 from parlamentares parlamenta0 where (lower(cast(parlamenta0.created as varchar(255))) like ? escape ?) and cast(parlamenta0_.created as timestamp)>=? limit ?


darrachequesne commented 5 years ago

I think you have to reset the value of the createdAt in the DataTablesInput object, so that the default filter (in your debug log lower(cast(parlamenta0_.created as varchar(255))) like ? escape ?) is not added to the query:

ColumnParameter parameter0 = input.getColumns().get(0);
Specification additionalSpecification = getAdditionalSpecification(parameter0.getSearch().getValue());
parameter0.getSearch().setValue(""); // <-- this line
return userRepository.findAll(input, additionalSpecification);
wallac3gg commented 5 years ago

Finally, that's the point, you are correct :

Solution for POSTGRESQL TIMESTAMP DATE RANGE, just reset the value :

public DataTablesOutput listParl(@Valid DataTablesInput input) {

    Column parameter0 = input.getColumns().get(6);
    Specification<Parlamentares> additionalSpecification  = new DateSpecification(parameter0.getSearch().getValue());
    return repository.findAll(input, additionalSpecification );

But why i have to reset the value with a database TIMESTAMP column ? database DATE column works fine without reset. Anyway thank you my friend. /CLOSED

darrachequesne commented 5 years ago

You're welcome. :+1: