darrenkopp / SassyStudio2013

Visual Studio 2013 extension adding additional SCSS support
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Tooltips and Intellisense for Sass 3.3+ maps (feature request) #11

Open adalinesimonian opened 9 years ago

adalinesimonian commented 9 years ago

It would be a very useful feature if Sass maps had Intellisense and value preview support as do variables currently.

For example, given this Sass map

$material_colors: (
    red_50: #ffebee,
    red_100: #ffcdd2,
    red_200: #ef9a9a,
    red_300: #e57373,
    blue_grey_700: #455a64,
    blue_grey_800: #37474f,
    blue_grey_900: #263238

it would be convenient to be able to see the list of keys in $material_colors when typing out a line such as

$app_toolbar_accent: map-get($material_colors, red_300);

as well as being able to see a preview of the value itself (in this case, #e57373) when hovering over the key name (red_300) in the variable definition.

It's unfortunate libsass hasn't caught up yet to Ruby Sass, but so far compilation has been working perfectly fine with the latest stable build of Ruby Sass with SassyStudio 2013.