darrinhenein / VerticalTabs

Firefox add-on for arranging tabs vertically
194 stars 28 forks source link

Issues and Suggestions #19

Open rayman89 opened 9 years ago

rayman89 commented 9 years ago

The add-on doesn't properly come back to the default firefox behavior after uninstalling or disabling the add-on.

The status bar looks black when you enable or disable it.

When you install/enable the add-on the firefox button (pre australis) disappears and its replaced with a normal windows bar.

I would wanna suggest if possible to make the addon check if there is the tabs bar is on top or the menu bar is on top keep either of those instead of the normal window top border of a window (of course the tabs would be hidden if the tab bar was on top).

Also would be nice to give the option to hide the tabs vertical list with a button and a configurable shortcut key combination

I think it might be better for feedback and easier for peple to find your work if you just raname this project and release it as an other add-on stating that is a fork than to keep it kinda hidden on github.