darrinhenein / VerticalTabs

Firefox add-on for arranging tabs vertically
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The Closed Tabs List isn't visible #24

Open bethel95 opened 9 years ago

bethel95 commented 9 years ago

Update: I just did a test where I disabled VT, restarted Firefox, and tried again. As expected, the "Closed Tabs List" is once again visible. Here's where it gets interesting: Re-enabling VT without a restart gets VT working again without breaking FF. Unfortunately, VT reverts to the light theme (I prefer dark), and switching themes doesn't work without another restart (the tab background goes dark, but the text stays red, so it's unusable). As soon as I do the restart, "Closed Tabs List" is broken, again.

Original post: Starting about 3-4 weeks ago (possibly longer), clicking on Closed Tabs List in the tab context menu no longer displayed the list of closed tabs--instead, nothing happened. I am (and have been) using TabMixPlus, if that's a factor. This was working properly after I installed this extension back in early Dec.

I'm using FF 36.0 (just updated yesterday) on Windows 7 Pro x64 SP1.