darrinhenein / VerticalTabs

Firefox add-on for arranging tabs vertically
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HTML5 Video Full Screen #30

Closed keehun closed 5 years ago

keehun commented 9 years ago

Achieve clean full-screen HTML5-Video (with tradeoffs):

TRADEOFF: Full screen never has the tab bar. I never use full screen other than for video, so this was an option for me. Detecting if a full-screen event was caused by a video or not is difficult because different sites requestFullScreen on different elements. For example, YouTube requests on a div containing a video and controller elements. Other sites request it on the video itself. We cannot recursively look for a video element because if the full screen was requested by a normal page with a regular non-full-screen video in it, that would be detected.

CONCLUSION: Since I never use full screen for anything other than video, always hide the vertical tab bar when in full screen. If you need multiple tabs on full screen for purposes other than video, make a new window and full screen that separately (useful especially on OSX where you can have multiple full-screened windows).


Croydon commented 9 years ago

There is already a fix around: https://github.com/philikon/VerticalTabs/pull/28 I have merged the PR from @breunigs into my fork of this addon (https://github.com/Croydon/vertical-tabs-reloaded), if you want you can try it on OSX, since I can't do this on my own.