darrinhenein / VerticalTabs

Firefox add-on for arranging tabs vertically
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closed tabs not really closed with Tab Mix Plus #9

Open ztNFny opened 9 years ago

ztNFny commented 9 years ago

Using this extension together with Tab Mix Plus when closing a tab it disappears from tabbar but is not removed from memory. This becomes especially apparent with sites with audio - e.g. Youtube - as the audio continues playing in background.

To repoduce:

  1. Install this
  2. Install Tab Mix Plus
  3. Restart
  4. Go to youtube.com and play any video
  5. Close the tab Expected: Audio stops Actual: Audio continues
stilez commented 9 years ago

Does it stop the audio if VT isnt installed?

I ask since there is or was also apparently a bug for "tab closed but plugins continue to play" in Firefox. Can you check? Also what tabs are being saved in the session files if you do that?

ztNFny commented 9 years ago

Audio stops right away without VT. It's just with VT+TMP, both on their own works fine.

I can't check the session file right now, no access to a PC for w hile here, only mobile.