darsain / laravel-console

In-browser console for Laravel PHP framework.
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Migration/Seeding PDO::quote() expects parameter 1 to be string #14

Closed newtonianb closed 11 years ago

newtonianb commented 11 years ago

I get this error when running php artisan migrate:refresh --seed

{"error":{"type":"ErrorException","message":"PDO::quote() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given","file":"/home/dd/project/vendor/darsain/console/src/models/console.php","line":44}}
darsain commented 11 years ago

There is no src/models/console.php file. What are you using?

newtonianb commented 11 years ago

Oh sorry that was from a fork, I re-downloaded the latest from your branch here is the updated error, very similar

{"error":{"type":"ErrorException","message":"PDO::quote() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given","file":"/home/dd/project/vendor/darsain/laravel-console/src/Darsain/Console/Console.php","line":142}}
darsain commented 11 years ago

Can you paste the seeding that causes this error? Or the minimum code needed to replicate the issue.

newtonianb commented 11 years ago

Thanks for helping debug this. After your input I debugged a little more within that seed file and found the line causing the issue

This is what causes the error specified above but this error only occurs on seeding when console is enabled in app.php otherwise it works fine when console is commented out ...

$fullform->sequencing()->attach(Attr::where('slug', 'dnb')->first()->id, array('value' => '30KLR'));

sequencing() is

  public function sequencing() {
    return $this->belongsToMany('Attr')->withTimestamps()->withPivot('value');
darsain commented 11 years ago

Can you give me migrations and models for Attr and whatever $fullform is? Or in other words, all files necessary to replicate this.

http://paste.laravel.com please

newtonianb commented 11 years ago

Sorry for the delay. Here is a full example of the issue https://github.com/newtonianb/console_error/tree/master/app/database/migrations

php artisan migrate --seed or php artisan migrate:refresh --seed This works fine without darsain console however when you enable 'Darsain\Console\ConsoleServiceProvider' in config/app.php then the error starts coming up on seeding.

{"error":{"type":"ErrorException","message":"PDO::quote() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given","file":"vendor\\darsain\\laravel-console\\src\\Darsain\\Console\\Console.php","line":142}}

darsain commented 11 years ago

Thx. I was able to replicate it. Gonna fix it now.

newtonianb commented 11 years ago

Thank You. I'm curious though why was this an issue, is the console intercepting everything no matter if its ran from the console interface or not? Does that affect performance in production?

darsain commented 11 years ago

Well, first of all - as it is advised with a bold text in the index of this repo - this package should get nowhere near your production server. It is strictly for development environment.

And yes, the console query listener is being registered in ConsoleServiceProvider::boot method, i.e. in loading process, before anything starts actually executing. That is also before we know what route did we hit, so it is registered for all of them. That is the only way how to log all queries. If I'd attach query listener in console controller, I might miss tons of queries like user authentication, options loaded from DB, ... etc.

The issue was that listener doesn't receive the query in it's full string form, but before the bindings have been applied. Usually bindings are strings, so all you need to do is:

$sql = preg_replace('/\?/', $binding, $sql, 1);

But in your case, there was a DateTime object being passed as $binding, so it needed to be stringified.