darsain / sly

JavaScript library for one-directional scrolling with item based navigation support.
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Disable wheel scrolling #223

Closed Rebnev closed 8 years ago

Rebnev commented 8 years ago

Hello! Then I'm making responsive design, I need to create slider on mobile version, and destroy them on full version, create and destroy always on each resize. Make be "sly" has some solution to disable scrolling by wheel? And this solution can make my life better)

darsain commented 8 years ago

Option to disable/enable scroling by wheel is scrollBy. Either leave it at default 0 (disabled), or set it to be 0 with sly.set('scrollBy', 0).

All Sly options and what they do is documented here: https://github.com/darsain/sly/blob/master/docs/Methods.md#setname-value

set method, along with list of all options that can be changed dynamically (after Sly initiation) is documented here: https://github.com/darsain/sly/blob/master/docs/Methods.md#setname-value