darsain / sly

JavaScript library for one-directional scrolling with item based navigation support.
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Minor issue with tags name and npm #265

Open Alex-Werner opened 7 years ago

Alex-Werner commented 7 years ago

Hi !

Thank you for your awesome library. It's not really an issue, I just wanted to let your know that.

I saw that you use a "v" letter in your tag names. It might be good to know that this messes with npm.

If I do a npm install --save github:darsain/sly#1.6.1 it won't work, that's normal. If I then do, npm install --save github:darsain/sly#v1.6.1 it works and the CLI displays : `-- sly@0.0.0 (git://github.com/darsain/sly.git#19c40feb057b110c098e06df9f9bde9f31de96e2) But in the package.json I have "sly": "github:darsain/sly#v1.6.1" as I wanted.

But the issues is when I want to do a npm outdated, I won't have any number of version as it's a 0.0.0 (because of the V letter). I'm not lazy enought to not take a look into package.json to see what is the version I have and compare then on github, but it just don't allow the easy tasks that npm could handle for me.

Cheers !