darsain / tooltip

JavaScript Tooltip component.
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FireFox compatibility #1

Closed reneg closed 10 years ago

reneg commented 10 years ago

Thank you for this great plugin!

I'm using it in a web project, but I can see that it doesn't work in FireFox versions lower than 9.0. Perhaps the documentation should say so.

The reason is that Node.contains is required by the script and is not available in FireFox versions prior to 9.0.

darsain commented 10 years ago

Firefox <9 versions were more than 10 years ago. I'm honestly not even gonna bother mentioning that they are not supported :)

reneg commented 10 years ago

That's not really true. FireFox 9.0 was released december 2011, while Internet Explorer 8 was released march 2009. IE8 support is mentioned in the documentation. You may argue that people who are using FireFox are more likely to be up-to-date, but from my point of view, you can't use the age of the browser as an argument, as FF 9 is younger than IE8.

However, I found a workaround. Quirksmode has a polyfill for Node.contains in FF: http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2006/01/contains_for_mo.html

darsain commented 10 years ago

Yeah, sorry. I was reading the release history wrong.

The reason why I try supporting IE8 when possible is not because of its age, but because of its current 10% market share. I couldn't even find the market share for FF9 :)

Another practice is to support only 2 last major versions of any browsers, except when it comes to IE, where market share prevails. Needles to say, FF9 is 20 versions behind.

reneg commented 10 years ago

Good point. I also can't seem to find any market share for FF9, and then it would of course be silly to spend time on it. I think I'm guilty of paying more attention to the browser age than to the actual market share, when it comes to browsers other than IE.

I like your suggestion about only supporting the last 2 major versions of browsers other than IE. I think I'll adopt that.

I'll stop nagging you then. :) Thank you for taking the time to respond. :)