darshanparajuli / LogcatReader

A simple app for viewing logs on an android device.
MIT License
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Filter `LOG LEVEL` semantics contradictory #63

Open ManDay opened 2 years ago

ManDay commented 2 years ago

The dialog to add a new filter allows to select among multiple LOG LEVEL constraints, which -- judging by the result -- are applied conjunctively (conjoined by a logical AND). This doesn't make sense, as selecting more than one will inevitably result in mismatching all.

I suppose the only "proper" solution is generalizing Filters (and Exclusions, to which this should also apply) to allow both AND and OR. Suggestion: In the spirit of boolean algebra associativity, maybe have list items be conjoined by OR whereas each list item can hold all of the fields, which are in turn conjoined by AND.

Very useful app, by the way, thanks!