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Site demo page hangs - os x safari #1675

Open dennisfyodorov opened 9 years ago

dennisfyodorov commented 9 years ago

environment: OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 Safari 8.0.3 (10600.3.18) steps to reproduce: go to: https://angulardart.org/demo/ Do hover over the hint few time, or wait for a 10 seconds - Tab hangs Nothing very interesting in javascript console: [Warning] Unexpected CSS token: : (base.css, line 264) [Warning] Unexpected CSS token: : (base.css, line 318) [Warning] Unexpected CSS token: : (base.css, line 321) [Warning] The page at https://angulardart.org/demo/ ran insecure content from http://firebase.github.io/angularFire/angularFire.js. (demo, line 0)

[Warning] The page at https://angulardart.org/demo/ ran insecure content from http://code.angularjs.org/1.2.4/i18n/angular-locale_sk.js. (demo, line 0)

[Warning] The page at https://angulardart.org/demo/ ran insecure content from http://code.angularjs.org/1.2.4/i18n/angular-locale_en-us.js. (demo, line 0)

[Warning] The page at https://angulardart.org/demo/ ran insecure content from http://firebase.github.io/angularFire/angularFire.js. (demo, line 879)

[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (angularFire.js, line 0) [Warning] The page at https://angulardart.org/demo/ ran insecure content from http://code.angularjs.org/1.2.4/i18n/angular-locale_sk.js. (demo, line 880)

[Warning] The page at https://angulardart.org/demo/ ran insecure content from http://code.angularjs.org/1.2.4/i18n/angular-locale_en-us.js. (demo, line 881)

tptodorov commented 9 years ago

same happens in Chrome on IOS8.1.3

meteficha commented 9 years ago

Maybe the same as #1241.

dennisfyodorov commented 9 years ago

Maybe, should try to fix missing file, first, just incase [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (angularFire.js, line 0) It hangs, like it's doing heavy computation, you can't even turn on console on that tab when it hangs. To get logs i turned console on, at the root page. And when i was copying logs, it lagged a lot.

KylePDavis commented 9 years ago

Same here. OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 Safari Version 8.0.4 (10600.4.10.7)