dart-archive / angular.dart

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Angular Dart 2 Transformer Applying itself to all files #1747

Closed janvladimirmostert closed 8 years ago

janvladimirmostert commented 8 years ago

I was experimenting to see if I could get my existing Dart app to have some pages use plain Dart HTML and other pages use Angular Dart 2.

Angular however takes over and even my non-Angular pages are hijacked by Angular Dart 2 even when I explicitly set an entry point in the Angular 2 Transformer and only import that entry point in another html file.

See my question on Stack Overflow with sample code to reproduce the problem. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34559669/running-normal-dart-html-and-angular-dart-2-in-the-same-app

zoechi commented 8 years ago

This repository is fo Angular.dart 1.0 Angular2 (Dart, TS, JS) is github.com/angular/angular

janvladimirmostert commented 8 years ago

Thanks, moved to https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/6220