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Misspelling templateUrl blocks application loading without any errors #1769

Closed tanelainla closed 7 years ago

tanelainla commented 7 years ago

When I mistype templateUrl in the @Component annotation and then import that component into my root component then the application stops loading and I don't get any error message into logs/debugger. Tracking down these kind of issues in larger applications is a pain (commenting stuff out etc.). There should be graceful error like "Templete not found" or something similar.

    selector: 'item-list',
    templateUrl: 'mis_spelled_garbage_here',
zoechi commented 7 years ago

https://github.com/dart-lang/angular2 would be the correct GitHub repo This repo is For Dart Angular 1

tanelainla commented 7 years ago

Yeah. Thanks. Noticed it already...