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Provide transformer to remove browser/dart.js bootstrapper #867

Open blois opened 10 years ago

blois commented 10 years ago

We should provide a transformer that will modify the HTML to only contain the generated JS file. Since the primary deployment scenario for Dart today is via dart2js we should have an easy way to eliminate the overhead of the additional bootstrapper script.

blois commented 10 years ago

Ideally the actual transformer would be in the browser package, but could be applied automatically by Angular.

vicb commented 10 years ago

If think there now is the script_inliner package to solve this issue.

The remaining task is to trigger this transformer in the angular transfomer, right ?

vicb commented 10 years ago

I can handle it next week if needed ?

blois commented 10 years ago

https://code.google.com/p/dart/source/browse/branches/bleeding_edge/dart/pkg/polymer/lib/src/build/polyfill_injector.dart is probably a better starting point.

sethladd commented 10 years ago

That was my starting point for http://pub.dartlang.org/packages/dart_to_js_script_rewriter