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Remote debugging connection to a stopped Docker container stays in CLOSE_WAIT state #43

Open DartBot opened 9 years ago

DartBot commented 9 years ago

Originally opened as https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/22250

This issue was originally filed by @zoechi

see https://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=11519

I'm pretty sure this is not a Dart issue that the Docker container can't reuse the debug port after when restarted but I find it weird nevertheless that DartEditor keeps the connection in CLOSE_WAIT state.

The googleappengine issue linked above is closed and they seem not to see any responsibility for it.

I think it is worth a look why DartEditor debugger doesn't recognize that the remote app it was connected to isn't available anymore.

After connecting 3 times to an app running inside a Docker container and restarting the Docker container afterwards lsof -i :5005 prints

COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME java 30840 zoechi 101u IPv6 27889117 0t0 TCP localhost:46750->localhost:5005 (CLOSE_WAIT) java 30840 zoechi 104u IPv6 27891059 0t0 TCP localhost:46752->localhost:5005 (CLOSE_WAIT) java 30840 zoechi 105u IPv6 27887172 0t0 TCP localhost:46755->localhost:5005 (CLOSE_WAIT)

DartBot commented 9 years ago

Comment by clayberg

Set owner to @devoncarew. Removed Priority-Unassigned label. Added Priority-Medium label.