dart-archive / js_facade_gen

Generates package:js Javascript interop facades for arbitrary TypeScript libraries
Apache License 2.0
161 stars 29 forks source link

Fix compilation error, and tag 0.0.7 #79

Closed ditman closed 4 years ago

ditman commented 4 years ago

This is a small change required to publish a new 0.0.7 version to npm, so people can directly grab the Latest And Greatest.

Fixes https://github.com/dart-lang/js_facade_gen/issues/74

npm run test ``` dit@dit:~/github/js_facade_gen$ npm run test > dart_js_facade_gen@0.0.7 test /usr/local/google/home/dit/github/js_facade_gen > gulp test [11:40:01] Using gulpfile ~/github/js_facade_gen/gulpfile.js [11:40:01] Starting 'test'... [11:40:01] Starting 'checkFormat'... [11:40:11] Finished 'checkFormat' after 10 s [11:40:11] Starting 'checkLint'... [11:40:12] Finished 'checkLint' after 631 ms [11:40:12] Starting 'test.compile'... [11:40:12] Starting 'compile'... [11:40:16] Finished 'compile' after 4.02 s [11:40:16] Starting ''... [11:40:20] Finished '' after 3.45 s [11:40:20] Finished 'test.compile' after 7.47 s [11:40:20] Starting ''... calls ✓ translates destructuring parameters (83ms) ✓ suppress calls with literal parameters (59ms) ✓ suppress calls ✓ suppress new calls ✓ suppress "super()" constructor calls ✓ ignore "super.x()" super method calls ✓ suppress new calls without arguments variables ✓ should print variable declaration with initializer ✓ should print variable declaration ✓ should transpile variable declaration lists ✓ should transpile variable declaration lists with initializers ✓ support vardecls containing more than one type (implicit or explicit) (52ms) ✓ supports const classes ✓ should translate classes ✓ should support extends ✓ should support implements ✓ should support implements ✓ should support abstract members ✓ supports empty declarations ✓ supports fields (46ms) ✓ supports function typed fields ✓ supports field initializers ✓ supports visibility modifiers (57ms) ✓ allow protected ✓ supports static fields ✓ supports methods ✓ should emit extension methods to return Futures from methods that return Promises (126ms) ✓ supports abstract methods ✓ supports method return types ✓ supports method params ✓ supports method return types ✓ supports get methods ✓ supports set methods ✓ supports constructors ✓ supports parameter properties ✓ should emit extension getters/setters that expose Futures in place of Promises (41ms) interfaces ✓ translates interfaces to abstract classes ✓ translates interface extends to class implements ✓ supports abstract methods ✓ supports interface properties ✓ should emit extension methods to return Futures from methods that return Promises (43ms) ✓ handles interface properties with names that are invalid in Dart (59ms) types with constructors ✓ should merge variables and interfaces with the same name by default supports type literals with constructors ✓ simple ✓ should make members of the literal type static (38ms) ✓ when possible, should merge the variable with an existing type of the same name (40ms) ✓ should support named type aliases of literals ✓ supports declarations within namespaces supports interfaces with constructors ✓ simple ✓ should make members declared on the interface static ✓ should support type aliases ✓ supports being declared within a namespace cases where a type and a variable cannot be merged ✓ should handle cases where an interface has no matching variable flags ✓ does not compile DOM library files when the --generate-html flag is set emitting properties of top level variables with anonymous types as static ✓ performs this by default ✓ but not when the --explicit-static flag is set --trust-js-types ✓ makes classes that have neither constructors nor static members anonymous when set --rename-conflicting-types ✓ should merge variables and interfaces with the same name by default ✓ should rename types that conflict with unrelated variables when the flag is set single call signature interfaces ✓ should support declaration ✓ should support generics enums ✓ should support basic enum declaration ✓ allow empty enum ✓ enum with initializer ✓ should ingore switch ✓ does not support const enum ignore decorators ✓ translates plain decorators ✓ ignore plain decorators applied to abstract classes ✓ translates arguments ✓ translates const arguments ✓ translates on functions ✓ translates on properties ✓ translates on parameters ✓ ignore special cases @CONST (65ms) ignore expressions ✓ math (87ms) ✓ assigns (108ms) ✓ compares (70ms) ✓ compares identity (43ms) ✓ bit fiddles (83ms) ✓ translates logic (50ms) ✓ translates ternary ✓ translates the comma operator ✓ translates "in" ✓ translates "instanceof" ✓ translates "this" ✓ translates "delete" ✓ translates "typeof" ✓ translates "void" ✓ translates parens ✓ translates property paths type based translation ✓ translates array façades ✓ translates readonly array façades Dart type substitution ✓ allows undeclared types finds registered substitutions ✓ for dart:html types by default ✓ but does not import dart:html types when the flag is set ✓ finds other registered type substitutions (86ms) skip top level calls ✓ console.log const ✓ simple (45ms) readonly ✓ simple error detection ✓ supports imports special identifiers ✓ always renames identifiers that are reserved keywords in Dart ✓ only renames built-in keywords when they are used as class or type names (86ms) ✓ preserves names that begin with two underscores ✓ preserves names that begin with one underscore functions ✓ supports declarations ✓ hide param default values ✓ translates optional parameters ✓ supports empty returns ✓ supports type predicates ✓ polyfill var args ✓ supports function parameters ✓ supports recursive function parameters ✓ supports generic-typed function parameters ✓ translates functions taking rest parameters to untyped Function generic functions ✓ supports generic types ✓ replaces type usage sites, but not idents ✓ translates generic calls variables ✓ should print variable declaration ✓ should transpile variable declaration lists ✓ support vardecls containing more than one type (implicit or explicit) ✓ supports const (41ms) classes ✓ should translate classes ✓ should support extends ✓ should support implements ✓ should support implements ✓ should support abstract members ✓ supports empty declarations ✓ supports fields ✓ ignore field initializers ✓ supports visibility modifiers (48ms) ✓ does not support protected ✓ supports static fields ✓ supports methods ✓ supports abstract methods ✓ supports method return types ✓ supports method params ✓ supports method return types ✓ supports get methods ✓ supports set methods ✓ supports generic methods ✓ merge overrides (167ms) ✓ dot dot dot ✓ property bag interfaces ✓ callable ✓ supports constructors ✓ supports parameter properties interfaces ✓ translates interfaces to abstract classes ✓ translates interface extends to class implements ✓ supports abstract methods ✓ supports interface properties single call signature interfaces ✓ should support declaration ✓ should support generics enums ✓ should support basic enum declaration ✓ empty enum ✓ enum with initializer renames ✓ should support class renames (40ms) ✓ should support member renames ✓ handle class renames in type declarations ✓ union types ✓ callback this type type alias ✓ replace with simple type main transpiler functionality comments ✓ keeps leading comments ✓ keeps ctor comments ✓ translates links to dart doc format ✓ removes @module doc tags ✓ removes @description doc tags ✓ removes @depracted doc tags ✓ removes @param doc tags ✓ removes @return doc tags ✓ removes @throws doc tags ✓ multiple line comment ✓ multiple line comment output paths ✓ writes within the path ✓ defaults to writing to the same location ✓ translates .es6, .ts, and .js imports ✓ ignore import equals statements ✓ ignore import from statements ✓ ignore import star ✓ ignore renamed imports ✓ empty import spec generates safe Dart code exports ✓ allows variable exports ✓ allows class exports ✓ allows export declarations ✓ allows export declarations ✓ allows named export declarations ✓ ignores named export declarations ✓ fails for renamed exports ✓ fails for exports without URLs ✓ fails for empty export specs module name ✓ adds module name ✓ leaves relative paths alone ✓ handles reserved words ✓ handles built-in and limited keywords ✓ handles file extensions ✓ handles non word characters types ✓ supports qualified names ✓ supports null types (40ms) ✓ supports this return type ✓ supports true and false return types ✓ comment type literals ✓ do not translates string index signatures to dartisms ✓ drops type literals with index signatures and other properties ✓ should support union types (49ms) ✓ should support intersection types ✓ should support parenthesized types (44ms) ✓ should support array types ✓ should support function types ✓ should support conditional types TypeScript utility types and other mapped types ✓ emits X in place of Partial since all Dart types are currently nullable ✓ treats other mapped types as dynamic type arguments ✓ should support declaration ✓ should support nested extends ✓ should multiple extends ✓ should support use ✓ should handle and generic arguments (56ms) ✓ should create class for type alias literals ✓ should create typedef for type alias function literals ✓ should handle generic parameters on non dart compatible type aliases ✓ supports the keyof operator and the indexed access operator merging variables with types upgrading variables whose types contain construct signatures ✓ supports type literals with construct signatures ✓ supports interfaces with construct signatures ✓ makes members of the type static in the upgraded class by default ✓ does not make members of the type static when the --explicit-static flag is set merging variables with types based on their names ✓ merges variables with types if they have the exact same name by default imports and exports ✓ converts export declarations ✓ converts the export modifier ✓ converts import declarations module declarations ✓ converts module declarations ✓ converts nested module declarations classes ✓ supports class declarations ✓ supports abstract classes heritage clauses ✓ supports implements ✓ supports extends ✓ supports classes with both heritage clauses type parameters ✓ should handle basic cases ✓ should handle type parameters with constraints members ✓ ignores the semicolon class element ✓ supports properties ✓ supports methods ✓ supports abstract methods ✓ supports getters ✓ supports setters ✓ supports constructors ✓ supports private ✓ supports protected ✓ supports optional ✓ supports readonly ✓ supports static ✓ supports parameter properties interfaces ✓ supports interface declarations heritage clauses ✓ supports extends type parameters ✓ should handle basic cases ✓ should handle type parameters with constraints members ✓ supports properties ✓ supports methods ✓ supports abstract methods ✓ supports optional ✓ supports readonly ✓ supports call signatures ✓ supports construct signatures variables variable declarations ✓ supports declare var ✓ supports declare let ✓ supports declare const ✓ supports lines with multiple declarations ✓ supports untyped variables 265 passing (5s) [11:40:26] Finished '' after 6.43 s [11:40:26] Finished 'test' after 25 s ```
jacob314 commented 4 years ago


ditman commented 4 years ago

(I don't have permissions on this repo, so you guys will have to merge this :P)