dart-archive / pub-dartlang

DEPRECATED - old pub.dartlang.org site in Python
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Use package description for schema.org description, leading to better social sharing #183

Open DartBot opened 9 years ago

DartBot commented 9 years ago

From sethladd@gmail.com on January 26, 2013 21:29:10

Suggest we use schema.org metadata for pub packages, which enables much better social sharing.

Here's an example of the markup:

You can test the snippets here: http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets Here are the docs: https://developers.google.com/+/plugins/snippet/ See screenshot for what we have now. Notice the description is the generic description for pub, and not the description for the package itself. Hope that helps! **Attachment:** [Screenshot_1_26_13_12_24_PM.png](http://code.google.com/p/dart/issues/detail?id=8145) _Original issue: http://code.google.com/p/dart/issues/detail?id=8145_
DartBot commented 9 years ago

From @iposva-google on January 28, 2013 00:01:10

Status: Triaged
Labels: Area-Pub

DartBot commented 9 years ago

From @munificent on February 06, 2013 16:12:12

Labels: -Type-Defect Type-Enhancement Milestone-Later

DartBot commented 9 years ago

From @munificent on August 21, 2013 15:40:01

Labels: -Area-Pub Area-PubSite

DartBot commented 9 years ago

From @kasperl on July 10, 2014 03:20:48

Labels: -Milestone-Later Oldschool-Milestone-Later

DartBot commented 9 years ago

From @kasperl on August 04, 2014 00:42:45

Labels: -Oldschool-Milestone-Later