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Intermittent errors pushing to heroku (502: Bad Gateway) #236

Open DartBot opened 10 years ago

DartBot commented 10 years ago

From andersmh...@gmail.com on June 24, 2014 07:29:03

Today I've experienced problems pushing my dart app to heroku. It happens roughly two out of every three times

git push heroku master

Fetching repository, done. Counting objects: 7, done. Delta compression using up to 8 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done. Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 509 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done. Total 4 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0)

-----> Fetching custom git buildpack... done -----> Dart app detected -----> ENV_DIR is /tmp/d20140624-330-1omsqd -----> ENV_DIR contains file AC_ADDON_SECRET -----> ENV_DIR contains file AC_BASE_URL -----> ENV_DIR contains file AC_ENV -----> ENV_DIR contains file AC_MONGO_HOST_URL -----> ENV_DIR contains file BUILDPACK_URL -----> ENV_DIR contains file DART_SDK_URL -----> ENV_DIR contains file MONGOHQ_URL -----> ENV_DIR contains file PATH -----> Welcome, this machine is: Linux 228e6378-0d43-4d98-b17f-c3501cf31ba2 3.8.11-ec2 #1 SMP Wed Jun 4 21:19:02 UTC 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux -----> Installing Dart VM via URL https://github.com/selkhateeb/heroku-vagrant-dart-build/releases/download/1.3.0/dart-sdk.tar % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 11.5M 100 11.5M 0 0 2604k 0 0:00:04 0:00:04 --:--:-- 2849k -----> Copy Dart binaries to app root -----> Dart cmd found at -rwx------ 1 u31501 31501 11468640 Jun 24 05:25 /app/dart-sdk/bin/dart Dart VM version: 1.3.0 (Tue Apr 15 03:03:20 2014) on "linux_x64" -----> Dart reports version: * Found pubspec.yaml in /tmp/build_432855fd-3084-47d2-ab9e-0e0145b20b04/. * Running pub get Pub 1.3.0 Resolving dependencies... (11.2s) Downloading atlassian_connect_shelf 0.5.2... Downloading browser 0.10.0+2... Downloading git 0.4.1+1... Downloading logging 0.9.1+1... Downloading atlassian_connect_config 0.3.1... Downloading mock 0.11.0+1... Downloading mustache 0.1.8... Downloading option 0.3.3... Downloading shelf 0.4.0... Downloading shelf_route 0.3.1... Downloading bot 0.27.0+2... Downloading path 1.2.1... Downloading collection 0.9.3+1... Downloading atlassian_connect_host 0.3.1... Downloading matcher 0.10.1+1... Downloading either 0.1.7... Downloading http_parser 0.0.2+3... Downloading stack_trace 0.9.3+2... Downloading uri 0.9.2... Downloading atlassian_connect_jwt 0.2.1... Downloading http_server 0.9.2... Downloading mongo_dart 0.1.42... Downloading quiver 0.18.2... Downloading xml 1.0.0... Downloading crypto 0.9.0... Downloading string_scanner 0.0.2... Downloading unittest 0.11.0... Downloading utf 0.9.0... Downloading dart_jwt 0.1.0+2... Downloading mime 0.9.0+3... Downloading bson 0.1.18... Downloading mongo_dart_query 0.1.12... Downloading source_maps 0.9.1... Downloading more 1.2.1... HTTP error 502: Bad Gateway ../../home/vagrant/1.3/dart-repo/dart/sdk/lib/_internal/pub/lib/src/http.dart 79 PubHttpClient.send.. dart:isolate _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage This is an unexpected error. Please run

pub --trace 'get'

and include the results in a bug report on http://dartbug.com/new .

! Push rejected, failed to compile Dart app

To git@heroku.com:jira-releasetab-aholmgren.git ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined) error: failed to push some refs to 'git@heroku.com:jira-releasetab-aholmgren.git'

Original issue: http://code.google.com/p/dart/issues/detail?id=19630

DartBot commented 10 years ago

From jamesd...@gmail.com on June 24, 2014 00:03:33

We are seeing this from Travis as we'll. https://travis-ci.org/angular/angular.dart/jobs/28265325

DartBot commented 10 years ago

From @sgjesse on June 24, 2014 17:07:23

Status: Triaged
Labels: Area-PubSite