dart-bitcoin / bitcoin_flutter

A dart Bitcoin library for Flutter.
MIT License
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bitcoin_flutter is incompatible with bip39 #66

Open Fury76 opened 2 years ago

Fury76 commented 2 years ago

dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter web3dart: ^2.3.1 bip39: ^1.0.6 bitcoin_flutter: ^2.0.2

Running "flutter pub get" in t_wallet...

Because every version of bitcoin_flutter depends on hex ^0.1.2 and bip39 1.0.6 depends on hex ^0.2.0, bitcoin_flutter is incompatible with bip39 1.0.6. And because no versions of bip39 match >1.0.6 <2.0.0, bitcoin_flutter is incompatible with bip39 ^1.0.6. So, because t_wallet depends on both bip39 ^1.0.6 and bitcoin_flutter ^2.0.2, version solving failed. pub get failed (1; So, because t_wallet depends on both bip39 ^1.0.6 and bitcoin_flutter ^2.0.2, version solving failed.) Process finished with exit code 1

sylvestrevgen commented 2 years ago

Also have this problem. Please, fix this.

yancaidev commented 1 year ago

I cloned this repository into the root of my project. In pubspec.yaml, I import the package from the local path.

    path: ./bitcoin_flutter
srmcatee1110 commented 1 year ago

Ditto. Need to upgrade to hex ^0.2.0