dart-code-checker / dart-code-metrics

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[BUG] avoid-unused-parameter: false positive for switch expressions #1242

Open NANASHI0X74 opened 1 year ago

NANASHI0X74 commented 1 year ago

Environment and configuration

DCM version: 5.7.4 Dart SDK version: 3.0.0

Configuration ```yaml include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml linter: rules: - always_declare_return_types - always_use_package_imports - avoid_bool_literals_in_conditional_expressions - avoid_catches_without_on_clauses - avoid_catching_errors - avoid_classes_with_only_static_members - avoid_double_and_int_checks - avoid_dynamic_calls - avoid_empty_else - avoid_equals_and_hash_code_on_mutable_classes - avoid_escaping_inner_quotes - avoid_final_parameters - avoid_implementing_value_types - avoid_js_rounded_ints - avoid_multiple_declarations_per_line - avoid_positional_boolean_parameters - avoid_private_typedef_functions - avoid_redundant_argument_values - avoid_returning_null - avoid_returning_null_for_future - avoid_returning_this - avoid_setters_without_getters - avoid_shadowing_type_parameters - avoid_slow_async_io - avoid_type_to_string - avoid_types_as_parameter_names - avoid_types_on_closure_parameters - avoid_unused_constructor_parameters - avoid_void_async - await_only_futures - camel_case_extensions - camel_case_types - cancel_subscriptions - cascade_invocations - cast_nullable_to_non_nullable - close_sinks - comment_references - conditional_uri_does_not_exist - curly_braces_in_flow_control_structures - depend_on_referenced_packages - directives_ordering - discarded_futures - do_not_use_environment - empty_catches - eol_at_end_of_file - file_names - flutter_style_todos - hash_and_equals - iterable_contains_unrelated_type - join_return_with_assignment - leading_newlines_in_multiline_strings - list_remove_unrelated_type - literal_only_boolean_expressions - missing_whitespace_between_adjacent_strings - no_adjacent_strings_in_list - no_default_cases - no_duplicate_case_values - no_runtimeType_toString - non_constant_identifier_names - noop_primitive_operations - null_check_on_nullable_type_parameter - omit_local_variable_types - one_member_abstracts - only_throw_errors - package_api_docs - parameter_assignments - prefer_asserts_in_initializer_lists - prefer_asserts_with_message - prefer_constructors_over_static_methods - prefer_expression_function_bodies - prefer_final_in_for_each - prefer_final_locals - prefer_foreach - prefer_generic_function_type_aliases - prefer_if_elements_to_conditional_expressions - prefer_int_literals - prefer_is_empty - prefer_is_not_empty - prefer_iterable_whereType - prefer_mixin - prefer_null_aware_method_calls - prefer_single_quotes - prefer_typing_uninitialized_variables - require_trailing_commas - secure_pubspec_urls - sized_box_shrink_expand - sort_constructors_first - sort_pub_dependencies - sort_unnamed_constructors_first - test_types_in_equals - throw_in_finally - tighten_type_of_initializing_formals - type_annotate_public_apis - unawaited_futures - unnecessary_await_in_return - unnecessary_lambdas - unnecessary_null_aware_operator_on_extension_on_nullable - unnecessary_null_checks - unnecessary_overrides - unnecessary_parenthesis - unnecessary_raw_strings - unnecessary_statements - unnecessary_to_list_in_spreads - unrelated_type_equality_checks - use_colored_box - use_decorated_box - use_enums - use_if_null_to_convert_nulls_to_bools - use_is_even_rather_than_modulo - use_late_for_private_fields_and_variables - use_named_constants - use_raw_strings - use_setters_to_change_properties - use_string_buffers - use_super_parameters - use_test_throws_matchers - use_to_and_as_if_applicable - valid_regexps - void_checks analyzer: plugins: - dart_code_metrics language: strict-casts: true strict-inference: true strict-raw-types: true errors: invalid_annotation_target: ignore dart_code_metrics: metrics: cyclomatic-complexity: 10 technical-debt: threshold: 1000 todo-cost: 150 ignore-cost: 250 ignore-for-file-cost: 400 as-dynamic-cost: 300 deprecated-annotations-cost: 50 unit-type: "Points" number-of-parameters: 4 maximum-nesting-level: 3 source-lines-of-code: 30 metrics-exclude: - test/** - config/** - lib/firebase_options.dart rules: - always-remove-listener - ban-name: entries: - ident: Segment description: Please use InstanceableSegment instead. - ident: LDClient description: Please use LaunchDarkly instead. - ident: SharedPreferences description: Please use Preferences instead. - avoid-banned-imports: entries: - paths: [ "lib/.*" ] deny: [ "package:flutter/cupertino.dart" ] message: "Do not import Flutter Cupertino Design library, we should not depend on it! This is an Android only app" - avoid-collection-methods-with-unrelated-types - avoid-duplicate-exports - avoid-expanded-as-spacer - avoid-global-state - avoid-returning-widgets - avoid-missing-enum-constant-in-map - avoid-nested-conditional-expressions: acceptable-level: 2 - avoid-non-ascii-symbols - avoid-shrink-wrap-in-lists - avoid-throw-in-catch-block - avoid-top-level-members-in-tests - avoid-unnecessary-setstate - avoid-unrelated-type-assertions - avoid-unused-parameters - avoid-wrapping-in-padding - binary-expression-operand-order - check-for-equals-in-render-object-setters - consistent-update-render-object - double-literal-format - no-boolean-literal-compare - no-empty-block - no-equal-then-else - no-object-declaration - prefer-commenting-analyzer-ignores - prefer-conditional-expressions - prefer-conditional-expressions - prefer-correct-edge-insets-constructor - prefer-correct-identifier-length: exceptions: [ 'id','i' ] max-identifier-length: 45 min-identifier-length: 3 - prefer-correct-test-file-name - prefer-correct-type-name - prefer-enums-by-name - prefer-extracting-callbacks: allowed-line-count: 3 - prefer-first - prefer-immediate-return - prefer-iterable-of - prefer-last - prefer-match-file-name: exclude: - test/** - prefer-moving-to-variable - prefer-single-widget-per-file: ignore-private-widgets: true - tag-name anti-patterns: - long-method - long-parameter-list ```

What did you do?

sealed class HubRepoValue {
  Hub? get asOption => switch (this) { 
       //                      ^^^^  lint here (yellow underline)
        HubRepoLoading() || HubRepoHubUnset() => null,
        HubRepoHubSet(value: final value) => value,

class HubRepoLoading extends HubRepoValue {}

class HubRepoHubUnset extends HubRepoValue {}

class HubRepoHubSet extends HubRepoValue {
  final Hub value;

What did you expect to happen?

no lint, code doesn't have unused paramters

What actually happened?

running flutter pub run dart_code_metrics:metrics analyze lib won't actually output this issue- I've noticed that sometimes issues I see in my Editor (emacs), reported from the dart analyzer as lsp server with the dcm plugin, aren't output when using pub run and also are only shown after the dartanalyzer has been running for some time. I'm not sure whether this is a known problem, but it's something I've not had the time to look into more closely.

But from my IDE's list of issues:

warn   common/lib/src/data/repository/hub_repository.dart:53 Parameter is unused.

this is the line with the switch(this) expression, where "this" is underlined.


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