dart-gde / chrome.dart

Provide Dart interop with chrome.* APIs for Chrome Packaged Apps
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Integrate grinder build environment. #160

Open sunglim opened 10 years ago

sunglim commented 10 years ago

grinder(https://github.com/google/grinder.dart) makes us easy to setup the build environement.

For our long term scenario, solid build framework is necessary.

zoechi commented 10 years ago

Would be interesting what the differences are to hop. I haven't used neither yet.

sunglim commented 10 years ago

I didn't know hop yet :). as I quickly glance hop's wiki, the biggest difference is Grinder can handle dependency task, but hop can't.

This means Grinder is for build system. on the other hand, hop is for task manager

adam-singer commented 10 years ago

I dont have a solid opinion on choosing either. I find grinder simpler and more straightforward and hop has more common tasks predefined. @sunglim if you're interested in prototyping something out that would be great. https://github.com/dart-gde/chrome.dart/tree/master/bin has two tasks that is common use cases, build and launch. I think specifically for chrome.dart we also need rebuild idl and checking out of idl files form chromium repository functionality.

devoncarew commented 10 years ago

FYI, hop is more or less the official Dart task tool now. I'm fixing issues in grinder when they're blockers for Spark, but will probably convert that over to hop itself when I have cycles or there is a pressing need -
