dart-lang / dart-pad

An online Dart editor with support for console, web, and Flutter apps
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Dartpad freezing after a few seconds when editing a big file #2123

Closed Wdestroier closed 2 years ago

Wdestroier commented 2 years ago

What happened?

For some reason Dartpad is freezing after a few seconds when editing a file, possibly because it contains a very long string. Video: https://streamable.com/f3tu7y

Steps to reproduce problem

  1. Open https://dartpad.dev
  2. Paste this code: https://pastebin.com/raw/1mMf2LPE
  3. Wait, move the cursor around or delete some spaces and the page will freeze.

Additional info

Apparently the page doesn't freeze when the page is seen with the iPhone X screen resolution. It freezes in tablet mode, with the iPad or NestHub screen resolution.


Browser: Microsoft Edge | 96.0.1054.62 (64 bits) JavaScript V8

Are you using any extensions/plugins that affect website behavior (particularly those that affect iframes, such as ad blockers)? Yes, I'm using AdblockerPlus, but disabling it doesn't fix the problem.

Are there any warnings or errors in your browser's JavaScript console? If so, paste them below:



Operating system: Windows 11

Version: 21H2 (build 22000.376)


What code was in the editor, if any, when the failure occurred?


domesticmouse commented 2 years ago

Heh, you crashed the syntax highlighter. If you feed it sane Dart code, DartPad works.

String getFormattedHex(String hex) {
  String formatted = '';
  formatted += '[';
  for (var i = 0; i < hex.length - 2; i += 2) {
    final c = hex[i];
    final next = hex[i + 1];
    formatted += '0x$c$next, ';
  formatted += '0x${hex[hex.length - 2]}${hex[hex.length - 1]}';
  formatted += ']';
  return formatted;

void main() {
  final file =
      ''';***** THIS IS A MACHINE GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT ********************
;***** Created: 2011-02-09 12:03 ******* Source: ATmega48A.xml ***********
;* A P P L I C A T I O N   N O T E   F O R   T H E   A V R   F A M I L Y
;* Number            : AVR000
;* File Name         : "m48Adef.inc"
;* Title             : Register/Bit Definitions for the ATmega48A
;* Date              : 2011-02-09
;* Version           : 2.35
;* Support E-mail    : avr@atmel.com
;* Target MCU        : ATmega48A
;* When including this file in the assembly program file, all I/O register 
;* names and I/O register bit names appearing in the data book can be used.
;* In addition, the six registers forming the three data pointers X, Y and 
;* Z have been assigned names XL - ZH. Highest RAM address for Internal 
;* SRAM is also defined 
;* The Register names are represented by their hexadecimal address.
;* The Register Bit names are represented by their bit number (0-7).
;* Please observe the difference in using the bit names with instructions
;* such as "sbr"/"cbr" (set/clear bit in register) and "sbrs"/"sbrc"
;* (skip if bit in register set/cleared). The following example illustrates
;* this:
;* in    r16,PORTB             ;read PORTB latch
;* sbr   r16,(1<<PB6)+(1<<PB5) ;set PB6 and PB5 (use masks, not bit#)
;* out   PORTB,r16             ;output to PORTB
;* in    r16,TIFR              ;read the Timer Interrupt Flag Register
;* sbrc  r16,TOV0              ;test the overflow flag (use bit#)
;* rjmp  TOV0_is_set           ;jump if set
;* ...                         ;otherwise do something else

#ifndef _M48ADEF_INC_
#define _M48ADEF_INC_

#pragma partinc 0

; ***** SPECIFY DEVICE ***************************************************
.device ATmega48A
.equ    SIGNATURE_000   = 0x1e
.equ    SIGNATURE_001   = 0x92
.equ    SIGNATURE_002   = 0x05


; ***** I/O REGISTER DEFINITIONS *****************************************
; Definitions marked "MEMORY MAPPED"are extended I/O ports
; and cannot be used with IN/OUT instructions
.equ    UDR0    = 0xc6  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    UBRR0L  = 0xc4  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    UBRR0H  = 0xc5  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    UCSR0C  = 0xc2  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    UCSR0B  = 0xc1  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    UCSR0A  = 0xc0  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    TWAMR   = 0xbd  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    TWCR    = 0xbc  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    TWDR    = 0xbb  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    TWAR    = 0xba  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    TWSR    = 0xb9  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    TWBR    = 0xb8  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    ASSR    = 0xb6  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    OCR2B   = 0xb4  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    OCR2A   = 0xb3  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    TCNT2   = 0xb2  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    TCCR2B  = 0xb1  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    TCCR2A  = 0xb0  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    OCR1BL  = 0x8a  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    OCR1BH  = 0x8b  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    OCR1AL  = 0x88  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    OCR1AH  = 0x89  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    ICR1L   = 0x86  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    ICR1H   = 0x87  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    TCNT1L  = 0x84  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    TCNT1H  = 0x85  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    TCCR1C  = 0x82  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    TCCR1B  = 0x81  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    TCCR1A  = 0x80  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    DIDR1   = 0x7f  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    DIDR0   = 0x7e  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    ADMUX   = 0x7c  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    ADCSRB  = 0x7b  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    ADCSRA  = 0x7a  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    ADCH    = 0x79  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    ADCL    = 0x78  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    TIMSK2  = 0x70  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    TIMSK1  = 0x6f  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    TIMSK0  = 0x6e  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    PCMSK1  = 0x6c  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    PCMSK2  = 0x6d  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    PCMSK0  = 0x6b  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    EICRA   = 0x69  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    PCICR   = 0x68  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    OSCCAL  = 0x66  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    PRR = 0x64  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    CLKPR   = 0x61  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    WDTCSR  = 0x60  ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ    SREG    = 0x3f
.equ    SPL = 0x3d
.equ    SPH = 0x3e
.equ    SPMCSR  = 0x37
.equ    MCUCR   = 0x35
.equ    MCUSR   = 0x34
.equ    SMCR    = 0x33
.equ    ACSR    = 0x30
.equ    SPDR    = 0x2e
.equ    SPSR    = 0x2d
.equ    SPCR    = 0x2c
.equ    GPIOR2  = 0x2b
.equ    GPIOR1  = 0x2a
.equ    OCR0B   = 0x28
.equ    OCR0A   = 0x27
.equ    TCNT0   = 0x26
.equ    TCCR0B  = 0x25
.equ    TCCR0A  = 0x24
.equ    GTCCR   = 0x23
.equ    EEARL   = 0x21
.equ    EEDR    = 0x20
.equ    EECR    = 0x1f
.equ    GPIOR0  = 0x1e
.equ    EIMSK   = 0x1d
.equ    EIFR    = 0x1c
.equ    PCIFR   = 0x1b
.equ    TIFR2   = 0x17
.equ    TIFR1   = 0x16
.equ    TIFR0   = 0x15
.equ    PORTD   = 0x0b
.equ    DDRD    = 0x0a
.equ    PIND    = 0x09
.equ    PORTC   = 0x08
.equ    DDRC    = 0x07
.equ    PINC    = 0x06
.equ    PORTB   = 0x05
.equ    DDRB    = 0x04
.equ    PINB    = 0x03

; ***** BIT DEFINITIONS **************************************************

; ***** USART0 ***********************
; UDR0 - USART I/O Data Register
.equ    UDR0_0  = 0 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 0
.equ    UDR0_1  = 1 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 1
.equ    UDR0_2  = 2 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 2
.equ    UDR0_3  = 3 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 3
.equ    UDR0_4  = 4 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 4
.equ    UDR0_5  = 5 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 5
.equ    UDR0_6  = 6 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 6
.equ    UDR0_7  = 7 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 7

; UCSR0A - USART Control and Status Register A
.equ    MPCM0   = 0 ; Multi-processor Communication Mode
.equ    U2X0    = 1 ; Double the USART transmission speed
.equ    UPE0    = 2 ; Parity Error
.equ    DOR0    = 3 ; Data overRun
.equ    FE0 = 4 ; Framing Error
.equ    UDRE0   = 5 ; USART Data Register Empty
.equ    TXC0    = 6 ; USART Transmitt Complete
.equ    RXC0    = 7 ; USART Receive Complete

; UCSR0B - USART Control and Status Register B
.equ    TXB80   = 0 ; Transmit Data Bit 8
.equ    RXB80   = 1 ; Receive Data Bit 8
.equ    UCSZ02  = 2 ; Character Size
.equ    TXEN0   = 3 ; Transmitter Enable
.equ    RXEN0   = 4 ; Receiver Enable
.equ    UDRIE0  = 5 ; USART Data register Empty Interrupt Enable
.equ    TXCIE0  = 6 ; TX Complete Interrupt Enable
.equ    RXCIE0  = 7 ; RX Complete Interrupt Enable

; UCSR0C - USART Control and Status Register C
.equ    UCPOL0  = 0 ; Clock Polarity
.equ    UCSZ00  = 1 ; Character Size
.equ    UCPHA0  = UCSZ00    ; For compatibility
.equ    UCSZ01  = 2 ; Character Size
.equ    UDORD0  = UCSZ01    ; For compatibility
.equ    USBS0   = 3 ; Stop Bit Select
.equ    UPM00   = 4 ; Parity Mode Bit 0
.equ    UPM01   = 5 ; Parity Mode Bit 1
.equ    UMSEL00 = 6 ; USART Mode Select
.equ    UMSEL0  = UMSEL00   ; For compatibility
.equ    UMSEL01 = 7 ; USART Mode Select
.equ    UMSEL1  = UMSEL01   ; For compatibility

; UBRR0H - USART Baud Rate Register High Byte
.equ    UBRR8   = 0 ; USART Baud Rate Register bit 8
.equ    UBRR9   = 1 ; USART Baud Rate Register bit 9
.equ    UBRR10  = 2 ; USART Baud Rate Register bit 10
.equ    UBRR11  = 3 ; USART Baud Rate Register bit 11

; UBRR0L - USART Baud Rate Register Low Byte
.equ    _UBRR0  = 0 ; USART Baud Rate Register bit 0
.equ    _UBRR1  = 1 ; USART Baud Rate Register bit 1
.equ    UBRR2   = 2 ; USART Baud Rate Register bit 2
.equ    UBRR3   = 3 ; USART Baud Rate Register bit 3
.equ    UBRR4   = 4 ; USART Baud Rate Register bit 4
.equ    UBRR5   = 5 ; USART Baud Rate Register bit 5
.equ    UBRR6   = 6 ; USART Baud Rate Register bit 6
.equ    UBRR7   = 7 ; USART Baud Rate Register bit 7

; ***** TWI **************************
; TWAMR - TWI (Slave) Address Mask Register
.equ    TWAM0   = 1 ; 
.equ    TWAMR0  = TWAM0 ; For compatibility
.equ    TWAM1   = 2 ; 
.equ    TWAMR1  = TWAM1 ; For compatibility
.equ    TWAM2   = 3 ; 
.equ    TWAMR2  = TWAM2 ; For compatibility
.equ    TWAM3   = 4 ; 
.equ    TWAMR3  = TWAM3 ; For compatibility
.equ    TWAM4   = 5 ; 
.equ    TWAMR4  = TWAM4 ; For compatibility
.equ    TWAM5   = 6 ; 
.equ    TWAMR5  = TWAM5 ; For compatibility
.equ    TWAM6   = 7 ; 
.equ    TWAMR6  = TWAM6 ; For compatibility

; TWBR - TWI Bit Rate register
.equ    TWBR0   = 0 ; 
.equ    TWBR1   = 1 ; 
.equ    TWBR2   = 2 ; 
.equ    TWBR3   = 3 ; 
.equ    TWBR4   = 4 ; 
.equ    TWBR5   = 5 ; 
.equ    TWBR6   = 6 ; 
.equ    TWBR7   = 7 ; 

; TWCR - TWI Control Register
.equ    TWIE    = 0 ; TWI Interrupt Enable
.equ    TWEN    = 2 ; TWI Enable Bit
.equ    TWWC    = 3 ; TWI Write Collition Flag
.equ    TWSTO   = 4 ; TWI Stop Condition Bit
.equ    TWSTA   = 5 ; TWI Start Condition Bit
.equ    TWEA    = 6 ; TWI Enable Acknowledge Bit
.equ    TWINT   = 7 ; TWI Interrupt Flag

; TWSR - TWI Status Register
.equ    TWPS0   = 0 ; TWI Prescaler
.equ    TWPS1   = 1 ; TWI Prescaler
.equ    TWS3    = 3 ; TWI Status
.equ    TWS4    = 4 ; TWI Status
.equ    TWS5    = 5 ; TWI Status
.equ    TWS6    = 6 ; TWI Status
.equ    TWS7    = 7 ; TWI Status

; TWDR - TWI Data register
.equ    TWD0    = 0 ; TWI Data Register Bit 0
.equ    TWD1    = 1 ; TWI Data Register Bit 1
.equ    TWD2    = 2 ; TWI Data Register Bit 2
.equ    TWD3    = 3 ; TWI Data Register Bit 3
.equ    TWD4    = 4 ; TWI Data Register Bit 4
.equ    TWD5    = 5 ; TWI Data Register Bit 5
.equ    TWD6    = 6 ; TWI Data Register Bit 6
.equ    TWD7    = 7 ; TWI Data Register Bit 7

; TWAR - TWI (Slave) Address register
.equ    TWGCE   = 0 ; TWI General Call Recognition Enable Bit
.equ    TWA0    = 1 ; TWI (Slave) Address register Bit 0
.equ    TWA1    = 2 ; TWI (Slave) Address register Bit 1
.equ    TWA2    = 3 ; TWI (Slave) Address register Bit 2
.equ    TWA3    = 4 ; TWI (Slave) Address register Bit 3
.equ    TWA4    = 5 ; TWI (Slave) Address register Bit 4
.equ    TWA5    = 6 ; TWI (Slave) Address register Bit 5
.equ    TWA6    = 7 ; TWI (Slave) Address register Bit 6

; ***** TIMER_COUNTER_1 **************
; TIMSK1 - Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register
.equ    TOIE1   = 0 ; Timer/Counter1 Overflow Interrupt Enable
.equ    OCIE1A  = 1 ; Timer/Counter1 Output CompareA Match Interrupt Enable
.equ    OCIE1B  = 2 ; Timer/Counter1 Output CompareB Match Interrupt Enable
.equ    ICIE1   = 5 ; Timer/Counter1 Input Capture Interrupt Enable

; TIFR1 - Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag register
.equ    TOV1    = 0 ; Timer/Counter1 Overflow Flag
.equ    OCF1A   = 1 ; Output Compare Flag 1A
.equ    OCF1B   = 2 ; Output Compare Flag 1B
.equ    ICF1    = 5 ; Input Capture Flag 1

; TCCR1A - Timer/Counter1 Control Register A
.equ    WGM10   = 0 ; Waveform Generation Mode
.equ    WGM11   = 1 ; Waveform Generation Mode
.equ    COM1B0  = 4 ; Compare Output Mode 1B, bit 0
.equ    COM1B1  = 5 ; Compare Output Mode 1B, bit 1
.equ    COM1A0  = 6 ; Comparet Ouput Mode 1A, bit 0
.equ    COM1A1  = 7 ; Compare Output Mode 1A, bit 1

; TCCR1B - Timer/Counter1 Control Register B
.equ    CS10    = 0 ; Prescaler source of Timer/Counter 1
.equ    CS11    = 1 ; Prescaler source of Timer/Counter 1
.equ    CS12    = 2 ; Prescaler source of Timer/Counter 1
.equ    WGM12   = 3 ; Waveform Generation Mode
.equ    WGM13   = 4 ; Waveform Generation Mode
.equ    ICES1   = 6 ; Input Capture 1 Edge Select
.equ    ICNC1   = 7 ; Input Capture 1 Noise Canceler

; TCCR1C - Timer/Counter1 Control Register C
.equ    FOC1B   = 6 ; 
.equ    FOC1A   = 7 ; 

; GTCCR - General Timer/Counter Control Register
.equ    PSRSYNC = 0 ; Prescaler Reset Timer/Counter1 and Timer/Counter0
.equ    TSM = 7 ; Timer/Counter Synchronization Mode

; ***** TIMER_COUNTER_2 **************
; TIMSK2 - Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask register
.equ    TOIE2   = 0 ; Timer/Counter2 Overflow Interrupt Enable
.equ    TOIE2A  = TOIE2 ; For compatibility
.equ    OCIE2A  = 1 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Match A Interrupt Enable
.equ    OCIE2B  = 2 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Match B Interrupt Enable

; TIFR2 - Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag Register
.equ    TOV2    = 0 ; Timer/Counter2 Overflow Flag
.equ    OCF2A   = 1 ; Output Compare Flag 2A
.equ    OCF2B   = 2 ; Output Compare Flag 2B

; TCCR2A - Timer/Counter2 Control Register A
.equ    WGM20   = 0 ; Waveform Genration Mode
.equ    WGM21   = 1 ; Waveform Genration Mode
.equ    COM2B0  = 4 ; Compare Output Mode bit 0
.equ    COM2B1  = 5 ; Compare Output Mode bit 1
.equ    COM2A0  = 6 ; Compare Output Mode bit 1
.equ    COM2A1  = 7 ; Compare Output Mode bit 1

; TCCR2B - Timer/Counter2 Control Register B
.equ    CS20    = 0 ; Clock Select bit 0
.equ    CS21    = 1 ; Clock Select bit 1
.equ    CS22    = 2 ; Clock Select bit 2
.equ    WGM22   = 3 ; Waveform Generation Mode
.equ    FOC2B   = 6 ; Force Output Compare B
.equ    FOC2A   = 7 ; Force Output Compare A

; TCNT2 - Timer/Counter2
.equ    TCNT2_0 = 0 ; Timer/Counter 2 bit 0
.equ    TCNT2_1 = 1 ; Timer/Counter 2 bit 1
.equ    TCNT2_2 = 2 ; Timer/Counter 2 bit 2
.equ    TCNT2_3 = 3 ; Timer/Counter 2 bit 3
.equ    TCNT2_4 = 4 ; Timer/Counter 2 bit 4
.equ    TCNT2_5 = 5 ; Timer/Counter 2 bit 5
.equ    TCNT2_6 = 6 ; Timer/Counter 2 bit 6
.equ    TCNT2_7 = 7 ; Timer/Counter 2 bit 7

; OCR2A - Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register A
.equ    OCR2A_0 = 0 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 0
.equ    OCR2A_1 = 1 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 1
.equ    OCR2A_2 = 2 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 2
.equ    OCR2A_3 = 3 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 3
.equ    OCR2A_4 = 4 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 4
.equ    OCR2A_5 = 5 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 5
.equ    OCR2A_6 = 6 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 6
.equ    OCR2A_7 = 7 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 7

; OCR2B - Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register B
.equ    OCR2B_0 = 0 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 0
.equ    OCR2B_1 = 1 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 1
.equ    OCR2B_2 = 2 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 2
.equ    OCR2B_3 = 3 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 3
.equ    OCR2B_4 = 4 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 4
.equ    OCR2B_5 = 5 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 5
.equ    OCR2B_6 = 6 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 6
.equ    OCR2B_7 = 7 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 7

; ASSR - Asynchronous Status Register
.equ    TCR2BUB = 0 ; Timer/Counter Control Register2 Update Busy
.equ    TCR2AUB = 1 ; Timer/Counter Control Register2 Update Busy
.equ    OCR2BUB = 2 ; Output Compare Register 2 Update Busy
.equ    OCR2AUB = 3 ; Output Compare Register2 Update Busy
.equ    TCN2UB  = 4 ; Timer/Counter2 Update Busy
.equ    AS2 = 5 ; Asynchronous Timer/Counter2
.equ    EXCLK   = 6 ; Enable External Clock Input

; GTCCR - General Timer Counter Control register
.equ    PSRASY  = 1 ; Prescaler Reset Timer/Counter2
.equ    PSR2    = PSRASY    ; For compatibility
;.equ   TSM = 7 ; Timer/Counter Synchronization Mode

; ***** AD_CONVERTER *****************
; ADMUX - The ADC multiplexer Selection Register
.equ    MUX0    = 0 ; Analog Channel and Gain Selection Bits
.equ    MUX1    = 1 ; Analog Channel and Gain Selection Bits
.equ    MUX2    = 2 ; Analog Channel and Gain Selection Bits
.equ    MUX3    = 3 ; Analog Channel and Gain Selection Bits
.equ    ADLAR   = 5 ; Left Adjust Result
.equ    REFS0   = 6 ; Reference Selection Bit 0
.equ    REFS1   = 7 ; Reference Selection Bit 1

; ADCSRA - The ADC Control and Status register A
.equ    ADPS0   = 0 ; ADC  Prescaler Select Bits
.equ    ADPS1   = 1 ; ADC  Prescaler Select Bits
.equ    ADPS2   = 2 ; ADC  Prescaler Select Bits
.equ    ADIE    = 3 ; ADC Interrupt Enable
.equ    ADIF    = 4 ; ADC Interrupt Flag
.equ    ADATE   = 5 ; ADC  Auto Trigger Enable
.equ    ADSC    = 6 ; ADC Start Conversion
.equ    ADEN    = 7 ; ADC Enable

; ADCSRB - The ADC Control and Status register B
.equ    ADTS0   = 0 ; ADC Auto Trigger Source bit 0
.equ    ADTS1   = 1 ; ADC Auto Trigger Source bit 1
.equ    ADTS2   = 2 ; ADC Auto Trigger Source bit 2
.equ    ACME    = 6 ; 

; ADCH - ADC Data Register High Byte
.equ    ADCH0   = 0 ; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 0
.equ    ADCH1   = 1 ; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 1
.equ    ADCH2   = 2 ; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 2
.equ    ADCH3   = 3 ; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 3
.equ    ADCH4   = 4 ; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 4
.equ    ADCH5   = 5 ; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 5
.equ    ADCH6   = 6 ; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 6
.equ    ADCH7   = 7 ; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 7

; ADCL - ADC Data Register Low Byte
.equ    ADCL0   = 0 ; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 0
.equ    ADCL1   = 1 ; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 1
.equ    ADCL2   = 2 ; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 2
.equ    ADCL3   = 3 ; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 3
.equ    ADCL4   = 4 ; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 4
.equ    ADCL5   = 5 ; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 5
.equ    ADCL6   = 6 ; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 6
.equ    ADCL7   = 7 ; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 7

; DIDR0 - Digital Input Disable Register
.equ    ADC0D   = 0 ; 
.equ    ADC1D   = 1 ; 
.equ    ADC2D   = 2 ; 
.equ    ADC3D   = 3 ; 
.equ    ADC4D   = 4 ; 
.equ    ADC5D   = 5 ; 

; ***** ANALOG_COMPARATOR ************
; ACSR - Analog Comparator Control And Status Register
.equ    ACIS0   = 0 ; Analog Comparator Interrupt Mode Select bit 0
.equ    ACIS1   = 1 ; Analog Comparator Interrupt Mode Select bit 1
.equ    ACIC    = 2 ; Analog Comparator Input Capture Enable
.equ    ACIE    = 3 ; Analog Comparator Interrupt Enable
.equ    ACI = 4 ; Analog Comparator Interrupt Flag
.equ    ACO = 5 ; Analog Compare Output
.equ    ACBG    = 6 ; Analog Comparator Bandgap Select
.equ    ACD = 7 ; Analog Comparator Disable

; DIDR1 - Digital Input Disable Register 1
.equ    AIN0D   = 0 ; AIN0 Digital Input Disable
.equ    AIN1D   = 1 ; AIN1 Digital Input Disable

; ***** PORTB ************************
; PORTB - Port B Data Register
.equ    PORTB0  = 0 ; Port B Data Register bit 0
.equ    PB0 = 0 ; For compatibility
.equ    PORTB1  = 1 ; Port B Data Register bit 1
.equ    PB1 = 1 ; For compatibility
.equ    PORTB2  = 2 ; Port B Data Register bit 2
.equ    PB2 = 2 ; For compatibility
.equ    PORTB3  = 3 ; Port B Data Register bit 3
.equ    PB3 = 3 ; For compatibility
.equ    PORTB4  = 4 ; Port B Data Register bit 4
.equ    PB4 = 4 ; For compatibility
.equ    PORTB5  = 5 ; Port B Data Register bit 5
.equ    PB5 = 5 ; For compatibility
.equ    PORTB6  = 6 ; Port B Data Register bit 6
.equ    PB6 = 6 ; For compatibility
.equ    PORTB7  = 7 ; Port B Data Register bit 7
.equ    PB7 = 7 ; For compatibility

; DDRB - Port B Data Direction Register
.equ    DDB0    = 0 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 0
.equ    DDB1    = 1 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 1
.equ    DDB2    = 2 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 2
.equ    DDB3    = 3 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 3
.equ    DDB4    = 4 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 4
.equ    DDB5    = 5 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 5
.equ    DDB6    = 6 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 6
.equ    DDB7    = 7 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 7

; PINB - Port B Input Pins
.equ    PINB0   = 0 ; Port B Input Pins bit 0
.equ    PINB1   = 1 ; Port B Input Pins bit 1
.equ    PINB2   = 2 ; Port B Input Pins bit 2
.equ    PINB3   = 3 ; Port B Input Pins bit 3
.equ    PINB4   = 4 ; Port B Input Pins bit 4
.equ    PINB5   = 5 ; Port B Input Pins bit 5
.equ    PINB6   = 6 ; Port B Input Pins bit 6
.equ    PINB7   = 7 ; Port B Input Pins bit 7

; ***** PORTC ************************
; PORTC - Port C Data Register
.equ    PORTC0  = 0 ; Port C Data Register bit 0
.equ    PC0 = 0 ; For compatibility
.equ    PORTC1  = 1 ; Port C Data Register bit 1
.equ    PC1 = 1 ; For compatibility
.equ    PORTC2  = 2 ; Port C Data Register bit 2
.equ    PC2 = 2 ; For compatibility
.equ    PORTC3  = 3 ; Port C Data Register bit 3
.equ    PC3 = 3 ; For compatibility
.equ    PORTC4  = 4 ; Port C Data Register bit 4
.equ    PC4 = 4 ; For compatibility
.equ    PORTC5  = 5 ; Port C Data Register bit 5
.equ    PC5 = 5 ; For compatibility
.equ    PORTC6  = 6 ; Port C Data Register bit 6
.equ    PC6 = 6 ; For compatibility

; DDRC - Port C Data Direction Register
.equ    DDC0    = 0 ; Port C Data Direction Register bit 0
.equ    DDC1    = 1 ; Port C Data Direction Register bit 1
.equ    DDC2    = 2 ; Port C Data Direction Register bit 2
.equ    DDC3    = 3 ; Port C Data Direction Register bit 3
.equ    DDC4    = 4 ; Port C Data Direction Register bit 4
.equ    DDC5    = 5 ; Port C Data Direction Register bit 5
.equ    DDC6    = 6 ; Port C Data Direction Register bit 6

; PINC - Port C Input Pins
.equ    PINC0   = 0 ; Port C Input Pins bit 0
.equ    PINC1   = 1 ; Port C Input Pins bit 1
.equ    PINC2   = 2 ; Port C Input Pins bit 2
.equ    PINC3   = 3 ; Port C Input Pins bit 3
.equ    PINC4   = 4 ; Port C Input Pins bit 4
.equ    PINC5   = 5 ; Port C Input Pins bit 5
.equ    PINC6   = 6 ; Port C Input Pins bit 6

; ***** PORTD ************************
; PORTD - Port D Data Register
.equ    PORTD0  = 0 ; Port D Data Register bit 0
.equ    PD0 = 0 ; For compatibility
.equ    PORTD1  = 1 ; Port D Data Register bit 1
.equ    PD1 = 1 ; For compatibility
.equ    PORTD2  = 2 ; Port D Data Register bit 2
.equ    PD2 = 2 ; For compatibility
.equ    PORTD3  = 3 ; Port D Data Register bit 3
.equ    PD3 = 3 ; For compatibility
.equ    PORTD4  = 4 ; Port D Data Register bit 4
.equ    PD4 = 4 ; For compatibility
.equ    PORTD5  = 5 ; Port D Data Register bit 5
.equ    PD5 = 5 ; For compatibility
.equ    PORTD6  = 6 ; Port D Data Register bit 6
.equ    PD6 = 6 ; For compatibility
.equ    PORTD7  = 7 ; Port D Data Register bit 7
.equ    PD7 = 7 ; For compatibility

; DDRD - Port D Data Direction Register
.equ    DDD0    = 0 ; Port D Data Direction Register bit 0
.equ    DDD1    = 1 ; Port D Data Direction Register bit 1
.equ    DDD2    = 2 ; Port D Data Direction Register bit 2
.equ    DDD3    = 3 ; Port D Data Direction Register bit 3
.equ    DDD4    = 4 ; Port D Data Direction Register bit 4
.equ    DDD5    = 5 ; Port D Data Direction Register bit 5
.equ    DDD6    = 6 ; Port D Data Direction Register bit 6
.equ    DDD7    = 7 ; Port D Data Direction Register bit 7

; PIND - Port D Input Pins
.equ    PIND0   = 0 ; Port D Input Pins bit 0
.equ    PIND1   = 1 ; Port D Input Pins bit 1
.equ    PIND2   = 2 ; Port D Input Pins bit 2
.equ    PIND3   = 3 ; Port D Input Pins bit 3
.equ    PIND4   = 4 ; Port D Input Pins bit 4
.equ    PIND5   = 5 ; Port D Input Pins bit 5
.equ    PIND6   = 6 ; Port D Input Pins bit 6
.equ    PIND7   = 7 ; Port D Input Pins bit 7

; ***** TIMER_COUNTER_0 **************
; TIMSK0 - Timer/Counter0 Interrupt Mask Register
.equ    TOIE0   = 0 ; Timer/Counter0 Overflow Interrupt Enable
.equ    OCIE0A  = 1 ; Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Match A Interrupt Enable
.equ    OCIE0B  = 2 ; Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Match B Interrupt Enable

; TIFR0 - Timer/Counter0 Interrupt Flag register
.equ    TOV0    = 0 ; Timer/Counter0 Overflow Flag
.equ    OCF0A   = 1 ; Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Flag 0A
.equ    OCF0B   = 2 ; Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Flag 0B

; TCCR0A - Timer/Counter  Control Register A
.equ    WGM00   = 0 ; Waveform Generation Mode
.equ    WGM01   = 1 ; Waveform Generation Mode
.equ    COM0B0  = 4 ; Compare Output Mode, Fast PWm
.equ    COM0B1  = 5 ; Compare Output Mode, Fast PWm
.equ    COM0A0  = 6 ; Compare Output Mode, Phase Correct PWM Mode
.equ    COM0A1  = 7 ; Compare Output Mode, Phase Correct PWM Mode

; TCCR0B - Timer/Counter Control Register B
.equ    CS00    = 0 ; Clock Select
.equ    CS01    = 1 ; Clock Select
.equ    CS02    = 2 ; Clock Select
.equ    WGM02   = 3 ; 
.equ    FOC0B   = 6 ; Force Output Compare B
.equ    FOC0A   = 7 ; Force Output Compare A

; TCNT0 - Timer/Counter0
.equ    TCNT0_0 = 0 ; 
.equ    TCNT0_1 = 1 ; 
.equ    TCNT0_2 = 2 ; 
.equ    TCNT0_3 = 3 ; 
.equ    TCNT0_4 = 4 ; 
.equ    TCNT0_5 = 5 ; 
.equ    TCNT0_6 = 6 ; 
.equ    TCNT0_7 = 7 ; 

; OCR0A - Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Register
.equ    OCR0A_0 = 0 ; 
.equ    OCR0A_1 = 1 ; 
.equ    OCR0A_2 = 2 ; 
.equ    OCR0A_3 = 3 ; 
.equ    OCR0A_4 = 4 ; 
.equ    OCR0A_5 = 5 ; 
.equ    OCR0A_6 = 6 ; 
.equ    OCR0A_7 = 7 ; 

; OCR0B - Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Register
.equ    OCR0B_0 = 0 ; 
.equ    OCR0B_1 = 1 ; 
.equ    OCR0B_2 = 2 ; 
.equ    OCR0B_3 = 3 ; 
.equ    OCR0B_4 = 4 ; 
.equ    OCR0B_5 = 5 ; 
.equ    OCR0B_6 = 6 ; 
.equ    OCR0B_7 = 7 ; 

; GTCCR - General Timer/Counter Control Register
;.equ   PSRSYNC = 0 ; Prescaler Reset Timer/Counter1 and Timer/Counter0
.equ    PSR10   = PSRSYNC   ; For compatibility
;.equ   TSM = 7 ; Timer/Counter Synchronization Mode

; ***** EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT ***********
; EICRA - External Interrupt Control Register
.equ    ISC00   = 0 ; External Interrupt Sense Control 0 Bit 0
.equ    ISC01   = 1 ; External Interrupt Sense Control 0 Bit 1
.equ    ISC10   = 2 ; External Interrupt Sense Control 1 Bit 0
.equ    ISC11   = 3 ; External Interrupt Sense Control 1 Bit 1

; EIMSK - External Interrupt Mask Register
.equ    INT0    = 0 ; External Interrupt Request 0 Enable
.equ    INT1    = 1 ; External Interrupt Request 1 Enable

; EIFR - External Interrupt Flag Register
.equ    INTF0   = 0 ; External Interrupt Flag 0
.equ    INTF1   = 1 ; External Interrupt Flag 1

; PCICR - Pin Change Interrupt Control Register
.equ    PCIE0   = 0 ; Pin Change Interrupt Enable 0
.equ    PCIE1   = 1 ; Pin Change Interrupt Enable 1
.equ    PCIE2   = 2 ; Pin Change Interrupt Enable 2

; PCMSK2 - Pin Change Mask Register 2
.equ    PCINT16 = 0 ; Pin Change Enable Mask 16
.equ    PCINT17 = 1 ; Pin Change Enable Mask 17
.equ    PCINT18 = 2 ; Pin Change Enable Mask 18
.equ    PCINT19 = 3 ; Pin Change Enable Mask 19
.equ    PCINT20 = 4 ; Pin Change Enable Mask 20
.equ    PCINT21 = 5 ; Pin Change Enable Mask 21
.equ    PCINT22 = 6 ; Pin Change Enable Mask 22
.equ    PCINT23 = 7 ; Pin Change Enable Mask 23

; PCMSK1 - Pin Change Mask Register 1
.equ    PCINT8  = 0 ; Pin Change Enable Mask 8
.equ    PCINT9  = 1 ; Pin Change Enable Mask 9
.equ    PCINT10 = 2 ; Pin Change Enable Mask 10
.equ    PCINT11 = 3 ; Pin Change Enable Mask 11
.equ    PCINT12 = 4 ; Pin Change Enable Mask 12
.equ    PCINT13 = 5 ; Pin Change Enable Mask 13
.equ    PCINT14 = 6 ; Pin Change Enable Mask 14

; PCMSK0 - Pin Change Mask Register 0
.equ    PCINT0  = 0 ; Pin Change Enable Mask 0
.equ    PCINT1  = 1 ; Pin Change Enable Mask 1
.equ    PCINT2  = 2 ; Pin Change Enable Mask 2
.equ    PCINT3  = 3 ; Pin Change Enable Mask 3
.equ    PCINT4  = 4 ; Pin Change Enable Mask 4
.equ    PCINT5  = 5 ; Pin Change Enable Mask 5
.equ    PCINT6  = 6 ; Pin Change Enable Mask 6
.equ    PCINT7  = 7 ; Pin Change Enable Mask 7

; PCIFR - Pin Change Interrupt Flag Register
.equ    PCIF0   = 0 ; Pin Change Interrupt Flag 0
.equ    PCIF1   = 1 ; Pin Change Interrupt Flag 1
.equ    PCIF2   = 2 ; Pin Change Interrupt Flag 2

; ***** SPI **************************
; SPDR - SPI Data Register
.equ    SPDR0   = 0 ; SPI Data Register bit 0
.equ    SPDR1   = 1 ; SPI Data Register bit 1
.equ    SPDR2   = 2 ; SPI Data Register bit 2
.equ    SPDR3   = 3 ; SPI Data Register bit 3
.equ    SPDR4   = 4 ; SPI Data Register bit 4
.equ    SPDR5   = 5 ; SPI Data Register bit 5
.equ    SPDR6   = 6 ; SPI Data Register bit 6
.equ    SPDR7   = 7 ; SPI Data Register bit 7

; SPSR - SPI Status Register
.equ    SPI2X   = 0 ; Double SPI Speed Bit
.equ    WCOL    = 6 ; Write Collision Flag
.equ    SPIF    = 7 ; SPI Interrupt Flag

; SPCR - SPI Control Register
.equ    SPR0    = 0 ; SPI Clock Rate Select 0
.equ    SPR1    = 1 ; SPI Clock Rate Select 1
.equ    CPHA    = 2 ; Clock Phase
.equ    CPOL    = 3 ; Clock polarity
.equ    MSTR    = 4 ; Master/Slave Select
.equ    DORD    = 5 ; Data Order
.equ    SPE = 6 ; SPI Enable
.equ    SPIE    = 7 ; SPI Interrupt Enable

; ***** WATCHDOG *********************
; WDTCSR - Watchdog Timer Control Register
.equ    WDP0    = 0 ; Watch Dog Timer Prescaler bit 0
.equ    WDP1    = 1 ; Watch Dog Timer Prescaler bit 1
.equ    WDP2    = 2 ; Watch Dog Timer Prescaler bit 2
.equ    WDE = 3 ; Watch Dog Enable
.equ    WDCE    = 4 ; Watchdog Change Enable
.equ    WDP3    = 5 ; Watchdog Timer Prescaler Bit 3
.equ    WDIE    = 6 ; Watchdog Timeout Interrupt Enable
.equ    WDIF    = 7 ; Watchdog Timeout Interrupt Flag

; ***** EEPROM ***********************
; EEARL - EEPROM Address Register Low Byte
.equ    EEAR0   = 0 ; EEPROM Read/Write Access Bit 0
.equ    EEAR1   = 1 ; EEPROM Read/Write Access Bit 1
.equ    EEAR2   = 2 ; EEPROM Read/Write Access Bit 2
.equ    EEAR3   = 3 ; EEPROM Read/Write Access Bit 3
.equ    EEAR4   = 4 ; EEPROM Read/Write Access Bit 4
.equ    EEAR5   = 5 ; EEPROM Read/Write Access Bit 5
.equ    EEAR6   = 6 ; EEPROM Read/Write Access Bit 6
.equ    EEAR7   = 7 ; EEPROM Read/Write Access Bit 7

; EEDR - EEPROM Data Register
.equ    EEDR0   = 0 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 0
.equ    EEDR1   = 1 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 1
.equ    EEDR2   = 2 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 2
.equ    EEDR3   = 3 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 3
.equ    EEDR4   = 4 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 4
.equ    EEDR5   = 5 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 5
.equ    EEDR6   = 6 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 6
.equ    EEDR7   = 7 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 7

; EECR - EEPROM Control Register
.equ    EERE    = 0 ; EEPROM Read Enable
.equ    EEPE    = 1 ; EEPROM Write Enable
.equ    EEWE    = EEPE  ; For compatibility
.equ    EEMPE   = 2 ; EEPROM Master Write Enable
.equ    EEMWE   = EEMPE ; For compatibility
.equ    EERIE   = 3 ; EEPROM Ready Interrupt Enable
.equ    EEPM0   = 4 ; EEPROM Programming Mode Bit 0
.equ    EEPM1   = 5 ; EEPROM Programming Mode Bit 1

; ***** CPU **************************
; SREG - Status Register
.equ    SREG_C  = 0 ; Carry Flag
.equ    SREG_Z  = 1 ; Zero Flag
.equ    SREG_N  = 2 ; Negative Flag
.equ    SREG_V  = 3 ; Two's Complement Overflow Flag
.equ    SREG_S  = 4 ; Sign Bit
.equ    SREG_H  = 5 ; Half Carry Flag
.equ    SREG_T  = 6 ; Bit Copy Storage
.equ    SREG_I  = 7 ; Global Interrupt Enable

; OSCCAL - Oscillator Calibration Value
.equ    CAL0    = 0 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit0
.equ    CAL1    = 1 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit1
.equ    CAL2    = 2 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit2
.equ    CAL3    = 3 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit3
.equ    CAL4    = 4 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit4
.equ    CAL5    = 5 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit5
.equ    CAL6    = 6 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit6
.equ    CAL7    = 7 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit7

; CLKPR - Clock Prescale Register
.equ    CLKPS0  = 0 ; Clock Prescaler Select Bit 0
.equ    CLKPS1  = 1 ; Clock Prescaler Select Bit 1
.equ    CLKPS2  = 2 ; Clock Prescaler Select Bit 2
.equ    CLKPS3  = 3 ; Clock Prescaler Select Bit 3
.equ    CLKPCE  = 7 ; Clock Prescaler Change Enable

; SPMCSR - Store Program Memory Control and Status Register
.equ    SELFPRGEN = 0; Added for backwards compatibility
.equ    SPMEN   = 0 ; Store Program Memory
.equ    PGERS   = 1 ; Page Erase
.equ    PGWRT   = 2 ; Page Write
.equ    BLBSET  = 3 ; Boot Lock Bit Set
.equ    RWWSRE  = 4 ; Read-While-Write section read enable
.equ    SIGRD   = 5 ; Signature Row Read
.equ    RWWSB   = 6 ; Read-While-Write Section Busy
.equ    SPMIE   = 7 ; SPM Interrupt Enable

; MCUCR - MCU Control Register
.equ IVCE = 0 ; Interrupt Vector Change Enable
.equ IVSEL = 1 ; Interrupt Vector Select
.equ    PUD = 4 ; Pull-Up Disable

; MCUSR - MCU Status Register
.equ    PORF    = 0 ; Power-on reset flag
.equ    EXTRF   = 1 ; External Reset Flag
.equ    EXTREF  = EXTRF ; For compatibility
.equ    BORF    = 2 ; Brown-out Reset Flag
.equ    WDRF    = 3 ; Watchdog Reset Flag

; SMCR - Sleep Mode Control Register
.equ    SE  = 0 ; Sleep Enable
.equ    SM0 = 1 ; Sleep Mode Select Bit 0
.equ    SM1 = 2 ; Sleep Mode Select Bit 1
.equ    SM2 = 3 ; Sleep Mode Select Bit 2

; GPIOR2 - General Purpose I/O Register 2
.equ    GPIOR20 = 0 ; 
.equ    GPIOR21 = 1 ; 
.equ    GPIOR22 = 2 ; 
.equ    GPIOR23 = 3 ; 
.equ    GPIOR24 = 4 ; 
.equ    GPIOR25 = 5 ; 
.equ    GPIOR26 = 6 ; 
.equ    GPIOR27 = 7 ; 

; GPIOR1 - General Purpose I/O Register 1
.equ    GPIOR10 = 0 ; 
.equ    GPIOR11 = 1 ; 
.equ    GPIOR12 = 2 ; 
.equ    GPIOR13 = 3 ; 
.equ    GPIOR14 = 4 ; 
.equ    GPIOR15 = 5 ; 
.equ    GPIOR16 = 6 ; 
.equ    GPIOR17 = 7 ; 

; GPIOR0 - General Purpose I/O Register 0
.equ    GPIOR00 = 0 ; 
.equ    GPIOR01 = 1 ; 
.equ    GPIOR02 = 2 ; 
.equ    GPIOR03 = 3 ; 
.equ    GPIOR04 = 4 ; 
.equ    GPIOR05 = 5 ; 
.equ    GPIOR06 = 6 ; 
.equ    GPIOR07 = 7 ; 

; PRR - Power Reduction Register
.equ    PRADC   = 0 ; Power Reduction ADC
.equ    PRUSART0    = 1 ; Power Reduction USART
.equ    PRSPI   = 2 ; Power Reduction Serial Peripheral Interface
.equ    PRTIM1  = 3 ; Power Reduction Timer/Counter1
.equ    PRTIM0  = 5 ; Power Reduction Timer/Counter0
.equ    PRTIM2  = 6 ; Power Reduction Timer/Counter2
.equ    PRTWI   = 7 ; Power Reduction TWI

; ***** LOCKSBITS ********************************************************
.equ    LB1 = 0 ; Lockbit
.equ    LB2 = 1 ; Lockbit

; ***** FUSES ************************************************************
; LOW fuse bits
.equ    CKSEL0  = 0 ; Select Clock Source
.equ    CKSEL1  = 1 ; Select Clock Source
.equ    CKSEL2  = 2 ; Select Clock Source
.equ    CKSEL3  = 3 ; Select Clock Source
.equ    SUT0    = 4 ; Select start-up time
.equ    SUT1    = 5 ; Select start-up time
.equ    CKOUT   = 6 ; Clock output
.equ    CKDIV8  = 7 ; Divide clock by 8

; HIGH fuse bits
.equ    BODLEVEL0   = 0 ; Brown-out Detector trigger level
.equ    BODLEVEL1   = 1 ; Brown-out Detector trigger level
.equ    BODLEVEL2   = 2 ; Brown-out Detector trigger level
.equ    EESAVE  = 3 ; EEPROM memory is preserved through chip erase
.equ    WDTON   = 4 ; Watchdog Timer Always On
.equ    SPIEN   = 5 ; Enable Serial programming and Data Downloading
.equ    DWEN    = 6 ; debugWIRE Enable
.equ    RSTDISBL    = 7 ; External reset disable

; EXTENDED fuse bits
;.equ   SELFPRGEN   = 0 ; Self Programming Enable

; ***** CPU REGISTER DEFINITIONS *****************************************
.def    XH  = r27
.def    XL  = r26
.def    YH  = r29
.def    YL  = r28
.def    ZH  = r31
.def    ZL  = r30

; ***** DATA MEMORY DECLARATIONS *****************************************
.equ    FLASHEND    = 0x07ff    ; Note: Word address
.equ    IOEND   = 0x00ff
.equ    SRAM_START  = 0x0100
.equ    SRAM_SIZE   = 512
.equ    RAMEND  = 0x02ff
.equ    XRAMEND = 0x0000
.equ    E2END   = 0x00ff
.equ    EEPROMEND   = 0x00ff
.equ    EEADRBITS   = 8

; ***** BOOTLOADER DECLARATIONS ******************************************
.equ    NRWW_START_ADDR = 0x0
.equ    NRWW_STOP_ADDR  = 0x7ff
.equ    RWW_START_ADDR  = 0x0
.equ    RWW_STOP_ADDR   = 0x0
.equ    PAGESIZE    = 32

; ***** INTERRUPT VECTORS ************************************************
.equ    INT0addr    = 0x0001    ; External Interrupt Request 0
.equ    INT1addr    = 0x0002    ; External Interrupt Request 1
.equ    PCI0addr    = 0x0003    ; Pin Change Interrupt Request 0
.equ    PCI1addr    = 0x0004    ; Pin Change Interrupt Request 0
.equ    PCI2addr    = 0x0005    ; Pin Change Interrupt Request 1
.equ    WDTaddr = 0x0006    ; Watchdog Time-out Interrupt
.equ    OC2Aaddr    = 0x0007    ; Timer/Counter2 Compare Match A
.equ    OC2Baddr    = 0x0008    ; Timer/Counter2 Compare Match A
.equ    OVF2addr    = 0x0009    ; Timer/Counter2 Overflow
.equ    ICP1addr    = 0x000a    ; Timer/Counter1 Capture Event
.equ    OC1Aaddr    = 0x000b    ; Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A
.equ    OC1Baddr    = 0x000c    ; Timer/Counter1 Compare Match B
.equ    OVF1addr    = 0x000d    ; Timer/Counter1 Overflow
.equ    OC0Aaddr    = 0x000e    ; TimerCounter0 Compare Match A
.equ    OC0Baddr    = 0x000f    ; TimerCounter0 Compare Match B
.equ    OVF0addr    = 0x0010    ; Timer/Couner0 Overflow
.equ    SPIaddr = 0x0011    ; SPI Serial Transfer Complete
.equ    URXCaddr    = 0x0012    ; USART Rx Complete
.equ    UDREaddr    = 0x0013    ; USART, Data Register Empty
.equ    UTXCaddr    = 0x0014    ; USART Tx Complete
.equ    ADCCaddr    = 0x0015    ; ADC Conversion Complete
.equ    ERDYaddr    = 0x0016    ; EEPROM Ready
.equ    ACIaddr = 0x0017    ; Analog Comparator
.equ    TWIaddr = 0x0018    ; Two-wire Serial Interface
.equ    SPMRaddr    = 0x0019    ; Store Program Memory Read

.equ    INT_VECTORS_SIZE    = 26    ; size in words

#endif  /* _M48ADEF_INC_ */

; ***** END OF FILE ******************************************************

Wdestroier commented 2 years ago

Haha, I didn't know that this was an expected behavior. I put everything on the same line, because I wasn't going to use this function and didn't want to delete it. At least now I know how to solve the problem if it happens again. Thanks, Brett!

domesticmouse commented 2 years ago

The key problem was that you had used single quotes which are only useful for a single line string. That meant that the syntaxx highlighter was attempting to parse your assembler as Dart, and got seriously confused. The triple quote is the way to mark up multi-line strings.