dart-lang / ecosystem

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General feedback on the issue triage bot #271

Open devoncarew opened 2 weeks ago

devoncarew commented 2 weeks ago

This issue is for collecting feedback on the issue triage bot; areas where it could improve, individual issues that it didn't triage well, possible prompt improvements, ...

Please feel free to create new comments here for feedback.

parlough commented 2 weeks ago

Issue/comment: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/56002#issuecomment-2166897601

Feedback: The bot triaged this macro related issue into area-test, likely because the issue discussed failing tests. As this is a common scenario, area-test should be weighted down somehow or have even more explicit prompting around preferring functional area.

natebosch commented 1 week ago

https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/56028#issuecomment-2172556309 would benefit from getting more context than the first comment of the issue.

devoncarew commented 4 days ago

Similarly to the previous comment, for transferred issues (like https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/56072), we should at least feed in the first and last comment if not all the comments.

We may also consider introducing a slight delay in triaging issues (2 min?). This would allow some time for manual triage.

devoncarew commented 4 days ago

We should auto-close Analyzer Feedback from IntelliJ issues; these almost universally do not contain information (are not customized over the default template that just sends version info).

devoncarew commented 4 days ago

See https://github.com/dart-lang/ecosystem/pull/274 for a few of the discussed improvements.