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if expressions #3374

Open subzero911 opened 7 months ago

subzero911 commented 7 months ago

You already introduced switch expressions. Are you planning to add if expressions?

Syntax examples:

var x = if (a > 0) return 1; else return 2;
var x = if (a > 0) {
  return 1; 
} else if (b < 10) { 
  return 2;
} else {
  return 3;

Currently we have only x ? y : z operator, but it's not enough if we want more advanced branching.

mateusfccp commented 7 months ago

Does this solves your problem?

var x = switch ((a, b)) {
  (> 0, _) => 1,
  (_, < 10) => 2,
  _ => 3,
subzero911 commented 7 months ago

Does this solves your problem?

var x = switch ((a, b)) {
  (> 0, _) => 1,
  (_, < 10) => 2,
  _ => 3,

It looks very non-intuitive.

subzero911 commented 7 months ago

At least, there are if-expressions in Rust, Python, Kotlin and Swift, along with switch/match expressions: https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/if-expr.html https://www.hackingwithswift.com/swift/5.9/if-switch-expressions https://kotlinlang.org/docs/control-flow.html https://note.nkmk.me/en/python-if-conditional-expressions/

eernstg commented 7 months ago

@subzero911, it looks like you are asking for a way to write statements in an if expression. You could then use an immediately invoked function expression ("iife"):

var x = (){ if (a > 0) return 1; else return 2; }();

This would allow you to write arbitrary statements and deliver the result using return e;, because you are now simply using a normal if statement. (I don't know if this is what you mean by

Currently we have only x ? y : z operator, but it's not enough if we want more advanced branching.

because there's no branching that you can't express using the ?: operator and parentheses, but it is true that you can't write statements in a ?: expression.)

In any case, you might very well want to preserve the context type, because this can affect the meaning of a statement like return e;. You could then use a helper function, as described in this comment:

X iife<X>(X Function() f) => f();

double x = iife((){ if (a > 0) return 1; else return 2; });

This causes 1 and 2 to become "integer literals with static type double", which makes them work exactly like 1.0 and 2.0. If you use the form (){...}() then you won't have the context type double at each return statement, and the initialization of x will then be a compile-time error.

lrhn commented 7 months ago

You can do everything with a conditional expression, ?/:, today that you would be able to do with if syntax, other than possilby not having an else branch. Which doesn't make sense for expressions, so likely not even that.

The original example can be written as:

var x =  (a > 0) ? 1 : (b < 10) ? 2 : 3;

Shorter. More like random line noise. But just as powerful. There is no "more advanced branching" when all you do is binary branches.

Switches can do more advanced branching.

That said, I'd be happy to allow an if-expression (like we have an if-element), just for the more verbose syntax. There is an issue for that, https://github.com/dart-lang/language/issues/2306

subzero911 commented 7 months ago
var x =  (a > 0) ? 1 : (b < 10) ? 2 : 3;

This is a so-called "ternary hell", rather an example of "how you shouldn't do". I mentioned a ternary operator just to let you know that I'm aware of it.

Wdestroier commented 7 months ago

@subzero911 Do you think var x = if (a > 0) 1 else if (b < 10) 2 else 3; is any better? Maybe we can solve the "ternary hell" by introducing the if-expression hell. I would rather have a > 0 ? 1 : (b < 10 ? 2 : 3).

water-mizuu commented 7 months ago

How about this?

var x = switch (null) {
  _ when a > 0 => 1,
  _ when b < 10 => 2,
  _ => 3,
subzero911 commented 7 months ago

@subzero911 Do you think var x = if (a > 0) 1 else if (b < 10) 2 else 3; is any better? Maybe we can solve the "ternary hell" by introducing the if-expression hell. I would rather have a > 0 ? 1 : (b < 10 ? 2 : 3).

Agreed, var x = if (a > 0) 1 else if (b < 10) 2 else 3; looks like a hell. Just add curly braces, and it would become readable (there's a lint suggesting to always use curly braces).

How about this?

var x = switch (null) {
  _ when a > 0 => 1,
  _ when b < 10 => 2,
  _ => 3,

Yeah, we have when clauses, I thought about it too.

@subzero911, it looks like you are asking for a way to write statements in an if expression. You could then use an immediately invoked function expression ("iife"):

var x = (){ if (a > 0) return 1; else return 2; }();

var x = if (a > 0) { return 1; } is still more concise than () {}() syntax. Also, it's easy to miss the last () while reading.

AlexanderFarkas commented 6 months ago

I personally don't like bringing every nice feature from other popular languages.

Reason why Rust/Kotlin/Python/Swift have such expressions - they were designed without ternary operator. But if they had ternary operator for historical reasons, they wouldn't introduce a new way of doing the same thing with very little gain.

IIFE looks good to me - I use it all the time with switch expression, however I always end up with extracting them to separate functions - for readability and documentation purposes.

AlexanderFarkas commented 6 months ago

However, if Dart didn't choose to proceed with Pattern Matching and, instead, stuck to flow analysis, having if expression (instead of switch expressions) would be justifiable.

caseycrogers commented 4 weeks ago

May just be personal preference, but ternary expressions have been driving me absolutely mad. I desperately want an if...else expression so that I can completely avoid ternaries.

Here are my arguments in favor of an if...else expression:

  1. Ternary syntax scales horribly past a single predicate because each additional predicate requires another layer of nesting. With an if...else expression, no additional nesting is required so, with line breaks, even an arbitrarily long chain is quite readable. I'm not quite sure what the dartfmt enforced formatting should be, but here is one way it could look that is, IMO, highly readable and minimally nested:
    if (predA) 'A'
    else if (predB) 'B'
    else if (predC) 'C'
    else null;
  2. Collection literals already allow us to use if...else like an expression in one specific context. Of course this is subtly different because exhaustivity is not required there, but there could simply be a static analysis error in the case where the dev did not provide a closing else to enforce exhaustivity. Allow if...else as an expression is more consistent with other parts of the language.
  3. Even if you have only a single predicate to check, the ternary syntax is really awkward. Namely, it flips the <keyword> <expression> syntax used everywhere else in dart, including in if statements:
    if (<predicate) <expression> ...
    (<predicate>) ? <expression> ... // <--- order is flipped, throws me off every time

    My spicy-hot take is that ternaries are a dated syntax that doesn't make a lot of sense in a modern language.

Here are my thoughts on all the previous points made so far:

  1. IMO using a switch on a record or a switch with whens is verbose and is abusing the intent of a switch. Feels like it'd make it easy to introduce subtle bugs where the branching cases don't evaluate as the programmer intended.
  2. Supporting curly braces in if...else expressions would be nice, but is a whole other can of worms so it probably shouldn't be considered at least for now. See: https://github.com/dart-lang/language/issues/132 https://github.com/dart-lang/language/issues/3117
  3. IEFE's feel like by far the best in-dart-today approach. They're a bit awkward though. They introduce some extra nesting and a lot of extra symbols. They also have unbounded complexity that open the door to the dev doing a lot of messy stuff inside of them. A basic chain of predicate checks is by far the most common scenario for me so I'd like the existing simple if...else syntax to cover that scenario rather than relying on a complicated escape hatch like IEFEs.
ekuleshov commented 4 weeks ago

There is a ternary expression x ? y : z and kind of unary null ??= guard. It would be also nice to have an unary conditional safeguard. expression.

Not sure about the syntax, but instead of something like this:

x = condition ? y : null

the thought is to avoid the "null" part and write something like:

x = if(condition) y

In a Flutter context it is commonly used for gesture callback, e.g. onTap, etc (convention a null callback makes widget disabled).

lrhn commented 4 weeks ago

The example looks like it can just be

x = condition ? y : null;

or if assigning null is a no-op:

if (condition) x = y;

Saving the : null isn't that many characters (every reasonable syntax will have at least as many characters as ?/:), and it's makes the code less explicit. An implicit null isn't as readable as an explicit one.

It's also possible to implement this as an extension method.

extension GuardOrNull on bool {
  T? call<T>(T value) => this ? value : null;

Which you can use as:

  x = (condition)(x);

Biggest issue is that it doesn't promote.

I think a new syntax is more important for conditionally passing arguments, like

  foo(1, x: if (o != null) o.length)

so that book argument is passed if the condition is false.

ekuleshov commented 4 weeks ago

The example looks like it can just be

x = condition ? y : null;

or if assigning null is a no-op:

if (condition) x = y;

Saving the : null isn't that many characters (every reasonable syntax will have at least as many characters as ?/:), and it's makes the code less explicit. An implicit null isn't as readable as an explicit one.

In your last assessment you don't take into account readability when y expression is long (sometimes several lines long).

And your example with an if statement can't be used when you need to return a value. Eg. Flutter reference in my comment:

onTap: if(buttonIsEnabled && notTheLastEntry) _onDelete,

Instead of extension on a boolean we could use a static method to be used like:

onTap: ifTrue(buttonIsEnabled && notTheLastEntry, _onDelete),

Though with an inline function declaration that will require an additional lambda, comparing with ternary or potential unary conditional expression.