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Proposals to be able to perform data analysis and AI models using Dart #3830

Closed Ing-Brayan-Martinez closed 1 month ago

Ing-Brayan-Martinez commented 1 month ago


Greetings, team, I wanted to take the opportunity to congratulate you on all the achievements announced at Google IO, I know that the road was not easy and you have been working overtime. It is already more than evident where Google is investing the budget. The news of the budget cut to the Dart team was very painful for me and no one likes to say goodbye. Now it's time to move on, that's why I will continue supporting them. That is why I am here, my proposals have not had the acceptance I expected because it must be more specific to where I want to go. I hope this time I can do it correctly.

In my first proposal, which was very controversial, I talked about how we can invest in a project with Google Colab so that Dart can be used for AI. Looking at the proposal, I was not very specific.

Then I made a second proposal to simplify some aspects of the first, but I was not successful either.

I am going to make a third attempt because what I am seeing in the market is going to make this more specific. If it is not understood, please ask a series of questions so as not to have an endless debate. I want to get to the point.

On the current status of Dart as a language for AI

The Dart team has already been moving in this direction with the incorporation of the google_generative_ai library. This has allowed an important advance that must be celebrated because now it will be possible to integrate Gemini into any application made with Flutter. That is perfect and I congratulate you.

The proposal

My proposal is to be able to create AI and Data Analysis using Dart in Google Colab, in the same way that Python does using Jupiter Notebook and now Kotlin using DataFrame, I recently discovered this tool.

How do we make this possible?

To achieve this proposal, the collaboration of several teams within Google is necessary because each one has the necessary pieces separately, we just have to unify our efforts.

If all these teams agree to ensure that the Dart language can be used in Google Colab to analyze data or create an AI model, the future of the Dart language is promising because we will now have a variety of tools within the ecosystem, helping to meet the goal of making Dart a general-purpose language

What problem am I trying to solve?

I am going to describe it in several points:

Because this is important

This is important because it will allow the Dart language to be updated to the AI era. Imagine the following use case:

Imagine that you want to found a small video game studio and you want to do it economically, quickly and simply with a single Dart technology, to achieve this you would have to have several teams.

As you can see, I am describing a possible entrepreneurship model that could be used by a company that makes the decision to trust Dart as its main technology. Our job will be to provide tools to create these business models that are the guarantee for the survival of the Dart language ecosystem. We must go. step by step to achieve this goal

About AI-PCs

Everything indicates that the future of the personal computer will be to use processors with NPU and it is necessary to adapt to new times and optimize the Dart language to create applications that take advantage of all this new hardware.

Microsoft understood this and is working to adapt C# for these purposes. More details about this in the Presentation of the new Surface to make AI work on any device.

Apple will soon announce its entire technological stack made with Swift to run AI on the devices created by Apple integrated into its ecosystem, they are already quite advanced

Google together with Jetbrains already has several tools made in Kotlin so that Android can develop applications with AI

Now we need to adapt Dart within Google Colab to be able to create AI models using Dart. When they are already trained, they can be used within a Flutter application. This model seeks to allow the creation of new companies with our technologies, we will be moving in the right direction.


Now Google is an “AI First” company, right now it is investing a lot in Gemini and Google DeepMind, we must evolve in the same direction. This proposal seeks to give a possibility for Dart to be usable by Data Scientists.

If this is possible, companies can be created with a single programming language, that is, Dart, so that this platform is more accepted by the business world. This will help ensure the survival of the platform.

My proposals can be difficult to interpret. I hope to be specific. Please ask. I want to receive criticism in order to improve. I think this video will be the answer I am looking for.

julemand101 commented 1 month ago

@Ing-Brayan-Martinez As you have been told multiple times, this is the Dart Language Specification Issue Tracker and not some kind of discussion forum for the overall high-level direction of where the Dart programming language should be applied.

Please provide concrete specific language features that you want to be added/changed to the language itself. If no such thing are being suggested, it is best to close this issue and move the discussion to one or more of the community channels like e.g. Reddit: https://dart.dev/community

I also very much disagree with the overall premise or your issue and your suggested plans, but I will not spend time commenting on that since this is not the right forum for such discussions.

escamoteur commented 1 month ago

If this were a stack overflow question I would vote to close with needs more focus because it is absolutely not clear what parts of the Dart language should be changed for what you envision Dart to be used in the future.

mraleph commented 1 month ago

I will repeat what I have said before:

I really encourage you to understand that this is the wrong place for these. Maybe you could create a blog and post these there.

I think we are at the point where I have to explicitly ask you to stop posting such "proposals".