abstract class GeometryController {
/// The GMap instance that this controller operates on.
late gmaps.Map googleMap;
extension type Map._(MVCObject _) implements MVCObject {}
I tried adding googleMap to the unsupportedMembers but it doesn't make a difference
I get this when attempting to generate these mocks: https://github.com/Rexios80/packages_flutter/blob/afb21bc501403de977c404c995cbc41502381d9b/packages/google_maps_flutter/google_maps_flutter_web/example/integration_test/google_maps_controller_test.dart#L24
I had this issue before switching to the latest commit of mockito (which should really be released by now): https://github.com/dart-lang/mockito/issues/732
This is the type that's causing the issue:
I tried adding
to theunsupportedMembers
but it doesn't make a difference