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ObjC: Split generation into internals and object-oriented API? #265

Closed dcharkes closed 2 weeks ago

dcharkes commented 2 years ago

The mental model that I have for C APIs is that ffigen generates a low level API (with lots of Pointers and only top level functions), and that a user manually wraps that in an object-oriented API. The object-oriented API does not expose any dart:ffi classes, only normal Dart classes. (See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MMK7YoFgaA for the mental model.)

Now, because Objective C is already object-oriented, we can immediately generate an object-oriented API.


I wonder if it would make sense to make ffigen for objective C generate two files instead of one:

  1. The low-level bindings: operates on Pointers a lot.
  2. The object-oriented API. This does not expose any dart:ffi types (except Pointer<NativeFunction<...>> for callbacks).

The benefits would be that we:

  1. Don't have to make all generated methods that we don't want to expose to the user private. We just don't expose the low level bindings.
  2. The public object-oriented API would be clearly separated from low-level bindings. This would likely increase the ease of using it.

However, maybe this doesn't work because an ObjectiveC programmer uses the object-oriented and low level things intermixed.

@brianquinlan since you are the main user right now, what are your thoughts on this?

@liamappelbe WDYT? (And would it make sense to have two layers in the implementation as well?)

liamappelbe commented 2 years ago

This is a conceptually appealing idea, but I see some issues.

Relatedly, maybe it would help usability if we generate some comments at the top of the file that lists all the functions/classes/methods, so the user doesn't have to scroll through a huge generated file? Or do we assume users are just going to run dartdoc or something?

liamappelbe commented 2 weeks ago

package:objective_c now owns all the low level bindings, so this is done.