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'Scores' failure at `dart pub get` not reproducible locally #7855

Closed eernstg closed 4 weeks ago

eernstg commented 2 months ago

I just published a new version of the package reflectable at https://pub.dev/packages/reflectable (version 4.0.7).

The scores are very low, because (apparently) the code doesn't pass static analysis.

However, no issues arise during static analysis locally:

dart pub get ``` > dart pub get Resolving dependencies... (1.1s) Downloading packages... + _fe_analyzer_shared 72.0.0 + _macros 0.3.1 from sdk dart + analyzer 6.7.0 + args 2.5.0 + async 2.11.0 + boolean_selector 2.1.1 + build 2.4.1 + build_config 1.1.1 + build_daemon 4.0.2 + build_resolvers 2.4.2 + build_runner 2.4.11 + build_runner_core 7.3.1 + build_test 2.2.2 + built_collection 5.1.1 + built_value 8.9.2 + checked_yaml 2.0.3 + code_builder 4.10.0 + collection 1.19.0 + convert 3.1.1 + coverage 1.8.0 + crypto 3.0.3 + csslib 1.0.0 + dart_style 2.3.6 + file 7.0.0 + fixnum 1.1.0 + frontend_server_client 4.0.0 + glob 2.1.2 + graphs 2.3.1 + html 0.15.4 + http_multi_server 3.2.1 + http_parser 4.1.0 + io 1.0.4 + js 0.7.1 + json_annotation 4.9.0 + lints 4.0.0 + logging 1.2.0 + macros 0.1.2-main.3 (0.1.2-main.4 available) + matcher 0.12.16+1 + meta 1.15.0 + mime 1.0.5 + node_preamble 2.0.2 + package_config 2.1.0 + path 1.9.0 + pool 1.5.1 + pub_semver 2.1.4 + pubspec_parse 1.3.0 + shelf 1.4.2 + shelf_packages_handler 3.0.2 + shelf_static 1.1.2 + shelf_web_socket 2.0.0 + source_map_stack_trace 2.1.1 + source_maps 0.10.12 + source_span 1.10.0 + stack_trace 1.11.1 + stream_channel 2.1.2 + stream_transform 2.1.0 + string_scanner 1.2.0 + term_glyph 1.2.1 + test 1.25.8 + test_api 0.7.3 + test_core 0.6.5 + timing 1.0.1 + typed_data 1.3.2 + vm_service 14.2.4 + watcher 1.1.0 + web 0.5.1 + web_socket 0.1.5 + web_socket_channel 3.0.0 + webkit_inspection_protocol 1.2.1 + yaml 3.1.2 Changed 70 dependencies! 1 package has newer versions incompatible with dependency constraints. Try `dart pub outdated` for more information. ```
dart analyze lib ``` > dart analyze lib No issues found! ```
dart pub upgrade ``` > dart pub upgrade Resolving dependencies... (1.1s) Downloading packages... macros 0.1.2-main.3 (0.1.2-main.4 available) No dependencies changed. 1 package has newer versions incompatible with dependency constraints. Try `dart pub outdated` for more information. ```
dart pub outdated ``` > dart pub outdated Showing outdated packages. [*] indicates versions that are not the latest available. Package Name Current Upgradable Resolvable Latest direct dependencies: all up-to-date. dev_dependencies: all up-to-date. transitive dependencies: macros *0.1.2-main.3 *0.1.2-main.3 *0.1.2-main.3 0.1.2-main.4 all dependencies are up-to-date. ```

Note in particular that dart pub get reports "1 package has newer versions incompatible with dependency constraints", which wouldn't be the starting point for changing anything (we can't use that newer version). Moreover, dart pub upgrade reports all dependencies are up-to-date.

But the 'Scores' page reports that dart pub get failed, the section 'Support up-to date dependencies says that "dart pub get failed".

In the log I can see this:

### Starting pana
2024-07-05 09:36:58.953402 INFO: Running `/home/worker/dart/stable/bin/dart --version`...
2024-07-05 09:36:59.073130 INFO: Running `/home/worker/flutter/stable/bin/flutter --no-version-check --version --machine`...
2024-07-05 09:36:59.374618 INFO: Downloading package reflectable 4.0.7 from https://pub.dev/api/archives/reflectable-4.0.7.tar.gz
2024-07-05 09:36:59.753740 INFO: Running `/home/worker/dart/stable/bin/dart pub get --no-example`...
2024-07-05 09:37:02.300272 SEVERE: `dart pub outdated` failed.
2024-07-05 09:37:02.300272 SEVERE: Because macros >=0.1.2-main.2 <0.1.2-main.4 depends on _macros 0.3.1 from sdk which doesn't match any versions, macros >=0.1.2-main.2 <0.1.2-main.4 is forbidden.
2024-07-05 09:37:02.300272 SEVERE: And because analyzer >=6.6.0 depends on macros >=0.1.2-main.3 <0.1.3 and macros >=0.1.2-main.4 depends on _macros 0.3.2 from sdk, analyzer >=6.6.0 requires _macros 0.3.2 from sdk.

So why would Pana fail when dart pub outdated (and other commands) locally do not report any issues that imply a need to make any changes?

isoos commented 2 months ago

Its because the package depends on package:macros, but does not depend on an SDK that supports that specific macros version:

Because macros >=0.1.2-main.2 <0.1.2-main.4 depends on _macros 0.3.1 from sdk which doesn't match any versions, macros >=0.1.2-main.2 <0.1.2-main.4 is forbidden.
And because analyzer >=6.6.0 depends on macros >=0.1.2-main.3 <0.1.3 and macros >=0.1.2-main.4 depends on _macros 0.3.2 from sdk, analyzer >=6.6.0 requires _macros 0.3.2 from sdk.

See https://github.com/dart-lang/pub-dev/issues/7597

/cc @jakemac53 @jonasfj

eernstg commented 2 months ago

Thanks! But the dependency on macros is indirect, it's presumably via analyzer. So the fix would be to depend on a different version of analyzer? (Currently it's 6.7.0 and the SDK lower bound is 3.4.0).

eernstg commented 2 months ago

And why does it not get reported locally? ;-)

isoos commented 2 months ago

Hm, on a second look, I'm not sure about the core of the issue anymore.

eernstg commented 2 months ago

OK, thanks for looking into this! (As we all know, Scores matter ;-).

isoos commented 2 months ago

@eernstg: what's your local SDK version?

eernstg commented 2 months ago

The tools? I'm using '3.5.0-259.0.dev' and bleeding edge (f274b8a4c462b0215ca9d77c509c5b88c06c386a).

eernstg commented 2 months ago

I just created yet another version (4.0.8) where 'analyzer' is downgraded to 6.5.0, that doesn't help (and I still don't see the errors locally that Pana reports).

isoos commented 2 months ago

The local difference comes because pub.dev was not able to pick a beta/dev SDK (on the score page it says Analyzed with Pana 0.22.7, Dart 3.4.4.), while you have a dev release locally. The decision to select the SDK is based on the package's pubspec.yaml:

I'm not fully grasping how the macros dependency conflict is there, but the above linked issue seems to be related.

eernstg commented 2 months ago

OK, thanks a lot!

I published yet another version, 4.0.9, with a narrower range analyzer: '>=6.5.0 <6.7.0. If it does not have that limitation at the top then it will select analyzer 6.7.0 for dart pub upgrade and analyzer 6.5.0 for dart pub downgrade, and they have incompatible libraries. (With 6.5.0 I cannot import 'package:analyzer/source/file_source.dart' because it doesn't yet exist, with 6.7.0 I must import that one).

So it's working fine now. But apparently I have to be very careful about versions at this time. ;-)

jakemac53 commented 1 month ago

You really shouldn't have this <6.7.0 constraint - that is going to hurt future users by not allowing them to get the latest analyzer. Personally, I would opt for broken analysis on pub over a less useful package.

I also don't understand why it would help....

eernstg commented 1 month ago

I used to have the constraint ^6.7.0, but that creates an analysis failure with macros, then I tried ^6.5.0, but that creates an analysis failure with a library (something like 'source_resource.dart' that doesn't exist in 6.7.0 and 'file_source.dart' that doesn't exist in 6.7.0). But I hope it's possible to use 6.7.0 soon without any conflicts.

jakemac53 commented 1 month ago

I used to have the constraint ^6.7.0, but that creates an analysis failure with macros

This is just on pub though right? That issue should get resolved once 3.5 stable is released.

eernstg commented 1 month ago

just on pub

Yes, that's correct.

That issue should get resolved once 3.5 stable is released.

Sounds good, thanks! I planned to remove that upper bound as soon as possible, so it's good to know that it will indeed be soon.

isoos commented 1 month ago

Note: I'm looking into improving the pub.dev SDK selection logic, ideally without running an upfront pub get on the analyzed package.

jonasfj commented 1 month ago

So the resolution issue was fixed by going to analyzer: ^6.5.0.

The problem with:

(With 6.5.0 I cannot import 'package:analyzer/source/file_source.dart' because it doesn't yet exist, with 6.7.0 I must import that one).

That is an analyzer issue, probably you shouldn't import package:analyzer/source/file_source.dart if it doesn't exist in 6.5.0. Not sure why, you think you need to :rofl:

I'm guessing you were importing package:analyzer/src/source/file_source.dart, which does still exist. It's just now annotated with:

@Deprecated('Import package:analyzer/source/file_source.dart')

The fix for that is continue importing it, but add a comment or two:

// TODO: Use 'package:analyzer/source/file_source.dart' when analyzer constraint can be bumped to ^6.7.0
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
import 'package:analyzer/src/source/file_source.dart';

Using a deprecated field, library or member is perfectly fine. Certainly as fine as importing stuff from package:analyzer/src/.

Indeed we could argue that pana shouldn't reduce package score just because a package is using deprecated stuff. Indeed, I don't think pana will reduce score if the deprecation warning is surpressed with an // ignore:-style comment.

jonasfj commented 1 month ago

So... this is maybe overkill, but in a perfect world, I guess pana would:

Of course, I still think pana should ignore deprecation warnings when the user explicitly ignores them with an //ignore:-style comment.

eernstg commented 1 month ago

That is an analyzer issue, probably you shouldn't import package:analyzer/source/file_source.dart if it doesn't exist in 6.5.0.

I used analyzer: ^6.7.0 at first, and imported 'package:analyzer/source/file_source.dart' because it contains declarations I need. This causes a (pub.dev-only) failure during static analysis, based on some version constraints involving macros that do not have a solution.

So I followed the advice given here and used analyzer: ^6.5.0. With 6.5.0 I need to import 'package:analyzer/src/source/source_resource.dart' in order to get access to the declarations that later went to 'package:analyzer/source/file_source.dart' (which doesn't exist in 6.5.0). Resolution will then choose analyzer 6.7.0 (with dart pub upgrade), where 'package:analyzer/src/source/source_resource.dart' causes a failure (because this library is deprecated in 6.7.0).

Finally, I used analyzer: '>=6.5.0 <6.7.0' (note: not including 6.7.0), which doesn't give rise to any failures.

The fix for that is continue importing it, but add a comment or two:

Thanks! I did not expect the // ignore comment to have that effect. I'll try it out on the next update.

isoos commented 4 weeks ago

I believe that the pana change, the 3.5 SDK becoming stable and the update the package makes this issue now obsolete. Please reopen if something is still missing.