dart-lang / pub

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pub deploy problems .. #590

Closed DartBot closed 9 years ago

DartBot commented 9 years ago

Originally opened as dart-lang/sdk#11710

This issue was originally filed by nickf...@gmail.com

Application buils and runs without any errors within Dartium. When I run the app 'as Javascript' from within DartEditor it also works fine.

However when I run 'pub deploy' from within DartEditor as well from the console it dies.

Host details:   System Version: Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549)   Kernel Version: Darwin 10.8.0 Dart version :   Editor : 0.5.20_r24216   SDK :

java version "1.6.0_51" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_51-b11-457-10M4509) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.51-b01-457, mixed mode)

Please note that the same porblem also happens on Windown 7 machine

My application makes use of a number of dart packages packages:   aah2_model_shared:     description:       path: "/Users/nick/dart/work_aa/aah2_appV2/../aah2_model_shared"       relative: true     version: "0.0.1"   analyzer_experimental:     version: "0.5.20"   args:     version: "0.5.20"   browser:     version: "0.5.20"   csslib:     version: "0.4.7+7"   event_bus:     version: "0.2.1"   google_maps:     version: "1.1.12"   html5lib:     version: "0.4.3"   http:     version: "0.5.20"   intl:     version: "0.5.20"   js:     version: "0.0.23"   json_object:     version: "1.0.15+3"   logging:     version: "0.5.20"   logging_handlers:     version: "0.5.0+3"   meta:     version: "0.5.20"   pathos:     version: "0.5.20"   source_maps:     version: "0.5.20"   unittest:     version: "0.5.20"   web_ui:     version: "0.4.13+2"

Attachment: trace.log (7.36 KB)

DartBot commented 9 years ago

Comment by iposva-google

Added Area-Pub, Triaged labels.

DartBot commented 9 years ago

Comment by munificent

Removed Area-Pub label. Added Area-Dart2JS label.

DartBot commented 9 years ago

Comment by peter-ahe-google

Bob, What makes you say this is a problem in dart2js?

Set owner to @munificent. Added NeedsInfo label.

DartBot commented 9 years ago

Comment by munificent

If you look at the log, it's got:

    web/aah2_appv2.dart:1:1: Error: The compiler crashed when compiling this element.     import 'dart:html';

    The compiler is broken.

There's a full stack trace in there too if that helps.

Set owner to @peter-ahe-google. Added Triaged label.

DartBot commented 9 years ago

Comment by peter-ahe-google

Sorry, Bob. I overlooked the stack trace.

This is an assertion error in dart2dart, we do not support running dart2dart in checked mode.

Removed the owner. Removed Area-Dart2JS label. Added Area-Pub label.

DartBot commented 9 years ago

Comment by munificent

We aren't running dart2[js|dart] in checked mode anymore so this should be resolved.

Added AssumedStale label.