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Crash when hot reloading app #56583

Open FMorschel opened 2 weeks ago

FMorschel commented 2 weeks ago

I have a Flutter app with Drift (db manager package) that spawns another isolate to handle the DB (not sure it matters just to point out the two isolates in the work here, there is something with threads in the last two lines of the log).

Since upgrading to Dart 3.5.0 (and now at 3.5.1) I have experienced this in my Android app.

Here is the crash log Before this point, the app was working normally and I had not hot restarted the app. ```console E/DartVM (27358): become: Cannot forward to multiple targets E/DartVM (27358): before: 79073a72f1 E/DartVM (27358): after: 790c3ea7e1 E/DartVM (27358): before header: 3236 E/DartVM (27358): after header: 66a236 F/libc (27358): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2b8 in tid 27713 (DartWorker), pid 27358 (soft.produtores) *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Build fingerprint: 'samsung/r8sxx/r8s:13/TP1A.220624.014/G780FXXSIFXG1:user/release-keys' Revision: '5' ABI: 'arm64' Processor: '7' Timestamp: 2024-08-27 10:52:45.624547720-0300 Process uptime: 433s Cmdline: br.inf.sunsoft.produtores pid: 27358, tid: 27713, name: DartWorker >>> br.inf.sunsoft.produtores <<< uid: 10300 signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x00000000000002b8 Cause: null pointer dereference x0 0000007ab5084090 x1 000000790c3ea7e1 x2 0000000000000004 x3 0000000000000061 x4 0000000000000021 x5 0000000000000000 x6 0000007c3c2ed000 x7 000000000838e2d8 x8 0000000000000000 x9 0000007af63622f0 x10 0000007ab5084090 x11 0000000000000001 x12 0000007b671e7150 x13 0000000000000016 x14 0000000000000000 x15 00003f2737b07912 x16 0000007af6340b50 x17 0000007c0c70e27c x18 0000007ae771e000 x19 0000007af3f42b1e x20 0000007ab50840a0 x21 0000007ab5084090 x22 000000790c3ea7e1 x23 00000079073a72f1 x24 00000079073a72f0 x25 00000000000003e8 x26 0000007af62cb6b8 x27 0000007af62cbaf8 x28 0000007af6362000 x29 0000000000000000 lr 0000007af6091998 sp 0000007b671e8950 pc 0000007af60919a4 pst 0000000020000000 backtrace: #00 pc 00000000023539a4 /data/app/~~UVJD4QYSmoGKiqzhGAermA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Mb4dh_JHC7EL6NOtMh1dlg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc) #01 pc 0000000002353900 /data/app/~~UVJD4QYSmoGKiqzhGAermA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Mb4dh_JHC7EL6NOtMh1dlg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc) #02 pc 0000000002228d48 /data/app/~~UVJD4QYSmoGKiqzhGAermA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Mb4dh_JHC7EL6NOtMh1dlg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc) #03 pc 000000000222500c /data/app/~~UVJD4QYSmoGKiqzhGAermA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Mb4dh_JHC7EL6NOtMh1dlg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc) #04 pc 000000000221e74c /data/app/~~UVJD4QYSmoGKiqzhGAermA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Mb4dh_JHC7EL6NOtMh1dlg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc) #05 pc 0000000002317f4c /data/app/~~UVJD4QYSmoGKiqzhGAermA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Mb4dh_JHC7EL6NOtMh1dlg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc) #06 pc 000000000230eac4 /data/app/~~UVJD4QYSmoGKiqzhGAermA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Mb4dh_JHC7EL6NOtMh1dlg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc) #07 pc 000000000230efb4 /data/app/~~UVJD4QYSmoGKiqzhGAermA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Mb4dh_JHC7EL6NOtMh1dlg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc) #08 pc 000000000221c918 /data/app/~~UVJD4QYSmoGKiqzhGAermA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Mb4dh_JHC7EL6NOtMh1dlg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc) #09 pc 0000000002240444 /data/app/~~UVJD4QYSmoGKiqzhGAermA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Mb4dh_JHC7EL6NOtMh1dlg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc) #10 pc 00000000022408a4 /data/app/~~UVJD4QYSmoGKiqzhGAermA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Mb4dh_JHC7EL6NOtMh1dlg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc) #11 pc 0000000002337378 /data/app/~~UVJD4QYSmoGKiqzhGAermA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Mb4dh_JHC7EL6NOtMh1dlg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc) #12 pc 00000000023375c8 /data/app/~~UVJD4QYSmoGKiqzhGAermA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Mb4dh_JHC7EL6NOtMh1dlg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc) #13 pc 00000000022c9d58 /data/app/~~UVJD4QYSmoGKiqzhGAermA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Mb4dh_JHC7EL6NOtMh1dlg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc) #14 pc 00000000000ef678 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+208) (BuildId: 7dfe979487fb5d42e831426e6a4a407e) #15 pc 000000000008c30c /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: 7dfe979487fb5d42e831426e6a4a407e) Lost connection to device. Exited. ```

It's just a feeling because I have no way to prove this but I feel like before upgrading to 3.5.1 I had more of these crashes.

What more can I do to help find the cause of this problem? Logs, etc.

P.S.: Instructed to post this here by DanTup on Discord. He suspects:

a VM dev could likely map that dump back to a useful stack trace and understand what crashed.

The Flutter versions related to the Dart versions respectively: 3.24.0 and now 3.24.1.

dart-github-bot commented 2 weeks ago

Summary: The user is experiencing a crash in their Flutter app after upgrading to Dart 3.5.0. The crash occurs during hot reloading and involves two isolates, one for the main app and another for a database manager. The crash log indicates a null pointer dereference in the Flutter engine.

FMorschel commented 2 weeks ago

New log:

E/DartVM  (15739): become: Cannot forward to multiple targets
E/DartVM  (15739): before: 7909ee1a61
E/DartVM  (15739): after: 79088a2ac1
E/DartVM  (15739): before header: 3236
E/DartVM  (15739): after header: 66a236
F/libc    (15739): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2b8 in tid 17265 (DartWorker), pid 15739 (soft.produtores)
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Build fingerprint: 'samsung/r8sxx/r8s:13/TP1A.220624.014/G780FXXSIFXG1:user/release-keys'
Revision: '5'
ABI: 'arm64'
Processor: '6'
Timestamp: 2024-08-27 15:02:43.371921547-0300
Process uptime: 3503s
Cmdline: br.inf.sunsoft.produtores
pid: 15739, tid: 17265, name: DartWorker  >>> br.inf.sunsoft.produtores <<<
uid: 10300
signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x00000000000002b8
Cause: null pointer dereference
    x0  0000007ada07a370  x1  00000079088a2ac1  x2  0000000000000004  x3  0000000000000061
    x4  0000000000000021  x5  0000000000000000  x6  0000007c3c2ed000  x7  000000000868e0b2
    x8  0000000000000000  x9  0000007af28412f0  x10 0000007ada07a370  x11 0000000000000001
    x12 0000007af6def150  x13 0000000000000016  x14 0000000000000000  x15 00005a707e75118e
    x16 0000007af281fb50  x17 0000007c0c70e27c  x18 0000007ae178a000  x19 0000007af0421b1e
    x20 0000007ada07a380  x21 0000007ada07a370  x22 00000079088a2ac1  x23 0000007909ee1a61
    x24 0000007909ee1a60  x25 0000000000000086  x26 0000007af27aa6b8  x27 0000007af27aaaf8
    x28 0000007af2841000  x29 0000000000000000
    lr  0000007af2570998  sp  0000007af6df0950  pc  0000007af25709a4  pst 0000000020000000
      #00 pc 00000000023539a4  /data/app/~~W6jW8zu9AZiWrkzZrQtjEg==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-lOfnC1giQ2mFiti0q3orFQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc)
      #01 pc 0000000002353900  /data/app/~~W6jW8zu9AZiWrkzZrQtjEg==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-lOfnC1giQ2mFiti0q3orFQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc)
      #02 pc 0000000002228d48  /data/app/~~W6jW8zu9AZiWrkzZrQtjEg==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-lOfnC1giQ2mFiti0q3orFQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc)
      #03 pc 000000000222500c  /data/app/~~W6jW8zu9AZiWrkzZrQtjEg==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-lOfnC1giQ2mFiti0q3orFQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc)
      #04 pc 000000000221e74c  /data/app/~~W6jW8zu9AZiWrkzZrQtjEg==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-lOfnC1giQ2mFiti0q3orFQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc)
      #05 pc 0000000002317f4c  /data/app/~~W6jW8zu9AZiWrkzZrQtjEg==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-lOfnC1giQ2mFiti0q3orFQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc)
      #06 pc 000000000230eac4  /data/app/~~W6jW8zu9AZiWrkzZrQtjEg==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-lOfnC1giQ2mFiti0q3orFQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc)
      #07 pc 000000000230efb4  /data/app/~~W6jW8zu9AZiWrkzZrQtjEg==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-lOfnC1giQ2mFiti0q3orFQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc)
      #08 pc 000000000221c918  /data/app/~~W6jW8zu9AZiWrkzZrQtjEg==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-lOfnC1giQ2mFiti0q3orFQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc)
      #09 pc 0000000002240444  /data/app/~~W6jW8zu9AZiWrkzZrQtjEg==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-lOfnC1giQ2mFiti0q3orFQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc)
      #10 pc 00000000022408a4  /data/app/~~W6jW8zu9AZiWrkzZrQtjEg==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-lOfnC1giQ2mFiti0q3orFQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc)
      #11 pc 0000000002337378  /data/app/~~W6jW8zu9AZiWrkzZrQtjEg==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-lOfnC1giQ2mFiti0q3orFQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc)
      #12 pc 00000000023375c8  /data/app/~~W6jW8zu9AZiWrkzZrQtjEg==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-lOfnC1giQ2mFiti0q3orFQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc)
      #13 pc 00000000022c9d58  /data/app/~~W6jW8zu9AZiWrkzZrQtjEg==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-lOfnC1giQ2mFiti0q3orFQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 605499b9c614e270fe6d996fac3ed6f3693eabfc)
      #14 pc 00000000000ef678  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+208) (BuildId: 7dfe979487fb5d42e831426e6a4a407e)
      #15 pc 000000000008c30c  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: 7dfe979487fb5d42e831426e6a4a407e)
Lost connection to device.

mraleph commented 2 weeks ago

https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/b5928642ff76769b78a7280983d96a6d90d088c6/runtime/vm/heap/become.cc#L304 is triggering, something is messed up in the forwarding.

rmacnak-google commented 2 weeks ago

Can you provide a program that reproduces this crash? Did the change that was being hot-reloaded involve adding or removing an instance variable, or changing an enum?

FMorschel commented 2 weeks ago

adding or removing an instance variable

I'm not sure what you mean by that.

or changing an enum

Not that I can remember.

Can you provide a program that reproduces this crash?

I'm trying to create a small repro. The current app that crashes is way too big for GH and also corporate property. As soon as I get something I'll let you know.

FMorschel commented 2 weeks ago

One thing I remember is that it usually crashed when stopped at a breakpoint I would hot reload. Although I still could not reproduce it, it may be a start.

FMorschel commented 2 weeks ago

On the actual project where these crashes happen, will try to replicate this later.

Temp update:

I ran the project and opened a screen that led to an unbounded height problem. I was with "Uncaught Exceptions" checked. Everything forward was with the breakpoint stop for uncaught exceptions. I went to the widget where the error occurred replaced the parent (almost, there was an Expanded in the middle but anyway) Row with BoxyRow and imported import 'package:boxy/flex.dart'; (the dependency was in my project already). Then on hot reload to see the changes it crashed.

FMorschel commented 2 weeks ago

It really seems to me the problem is when adding a new import.

Now I added import 'dart:math'; to use max and hot reloaded. Not stopped at a breakpoint this time. Same crash.

As soon as I can I'll try to create the repro, just wanted to warn here to keep everyone updated.

FMorschel commented 2 weeks ago

Yep. It really does seem like a problem with imports. Just renamed the import 'dart:math' as math; and hot reloaded and got a new crash.

FMorschel commented 2 weeks ago

I've had some difficulty in trying to create a repro. Still trying but no luck until now. Can I give you anything else to help find the problem? Can any of the vscode logs help here or something?

FMorschel commented 2 weeks ago

Removing imports on that project also crashes. Still haven't found a way to repro.

FMorschel commented 2 weeks ago

More news. I did some testing on that project and added imports on a non-flutter file and got no crashes.

I created a file with no relation to any other and only added the dependency to import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; for a call to debugPrint. All fine.

Then I simply opened my home page widget file and added import 'dart:math';: crash. Restarted the debug session, renamed that import: import 'dart:math' as m;: crash. Restarted the debug session again, and removed the line mentioned above: crash.


Even imports from inside this project to my home page file crash the VM.

FMorschel commented 1 week ago

New update:

Is this what you meant by instance variable, @rmacnak-google?

FMorschel commented 1 week ago

While modifying the Widget tree by adding/removing existing widgets works as expected, refactoring with Extract Widget also crashes the app.

rmacnak-google commented 1 week ago

Added late TextStyle textStyle; to that page state

Yeah, that's an instance variable.

class Example {
  var instanceVariable;
  static var classVariable;
var libraryVariable;

Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the crash making a similar change to an example app.

The existing logging is not very useful for this particular problem. I have created a patch with some new logging.

Can you try to reproduce using this patch, either building the Flutter engine yourself or using

flutter$ git checkout f070ffc53b00b10a09eed9fd598e4fda0b24a241
flutter$ export FLUTTER_STORAGE_BASE_URL=https://storage.googleapis.com/flutter_archives_v2/monorepo_try/8737779020939998881
flutter$ flutter update-packages

project$ flutter clean
project$ flutter run


FMorschel commented 1 week ago

Updating packages now. Will do. Just one thing I noticed. This commit is called Get reasonable output when a stream test fails. I have a stream coming from the second isolate to my main isolate. My home page has two streams for tables in my DB (from Drift-DB to Flutter), not sure if it is relevant or not for your testing but I guess so since the crash mentions a thread. In any case, I'll test it as soon as I can and give feedback here.

One suggestion julemand101 gave me in Discord was to copy this project and tear it down trying to remove everything else and to keep just the crash. I'll try and do that while you take a look at the new crash message.


Something else I'll try to be sure of is running the project on a Windows machine. Currently, the project is focused on Android so I only debug there. We have not yet tested the third-party packages' compatibility with any other platforms but if I remember correctly Windows is fine. So we can be sure this is reproducible in more than one specific platform.

FMorschel commented 1 week ago

I added a method to my Home Page state. Cleaned the output for the debug console. Waited 10 seconds to see if nothing was going to show up there and hot reloaded. For me seems from all of the above that any changes to classes in a library used by flutter to display a widget are causing this (not sure why). Like adding new classes (import or writing a new one), updating (adding/removing things from inside) or removing them (deleting imports).


E/DartVM  (14774): become: Cannot forward to multiple targets
E/DartVM  (14774): before: 6f0a3bfea1
E/DartVM  (14774): after: 6f093b3d41
E/DartVM  (14774): before header: 3236
E/DartVM  (14774): after header: e69236
F/libc    (14774): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2c0 in tid 14976 (1.ui), pid 14774 (soft.produtores)
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Build fingerprint: 'samsung/dm3qxxx/dm3q:14/UP1A.231005.007/S918BXXS6CXFC:user/release-keys'
Revision: '13'
ABI: 'arm64'
Processor: '7'
Timestamp: 2024-09-03 22:26:13.872408841-0300
Process uptime: 121s
Cmdline: br.inf.sunsoft.produtores
pid: 14774, tid: 14976, name: 1.ui  >>> br.inf.sunsoft.produtores <<<
uid: 10883
tagged_addr_ctrl: 0000000000000001 (PR_TAGGED_ADDR_ENABLE)
pac_enabled_keys: 000000000000000f (PR_PAC_APIAKEY, PR_PAC_APIBKEY, PR_PAC_APDAKEY, PR_PAC_APDBKEY)
signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x00000000000002c0
Cause: null pointer dereference
    x0  b40000707b2d9b90  x1  0000006f093b3d41  x2  0000000000000004  x3  0000000000000061
    x4  0000000000000021  x5  000000000acf6f02  x6  0000000000000010  x7  7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f
    x8  0000000000000000  x9  00000070ab35f640  x10 b40000707b2d9b90  x11 0000000000000001
    x12 00000070a8cfae10  x13 0000000000000000  x14 00000070a8cfaec0  x15 000006fecdf0051e
    x16 00000070ab33dfd8  x17 000000726635dd58  x18 00000070a7f94000  x19 00000070a8f06636
    x20 b40000707b2d9ba0  x21 b40000707b2d9b90  x22 0000006f093b3d41  x23 0000006f0a3bfea1
    x24 0000006f0a3bfea0  x25 000000000000007a  x26 00000070ab2ca818  x27 0000000000000001
    x28 00000070ab35f000  x29 0000000000000000
    lr  00000070ab07e0d4  sp  00000070a8cfc610  pc  00000070ab07e0e0  pst 0000000020001000
26 total frames
      #00 pc 000000000237c0e0  /data/app/~~rkMSK5eCyK5y-1l0tS1AlQ==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-DUuZT4IxD5O6Z-81un6Dvg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523)
      #01 pc 000000000237c03c  /data/app/~~rkMSK5eCyK5y-1l0tS1AlQ==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-DUuZT4IxD5O6Z-81un6Dvg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523)
      #02 pc 000000000224f5f0  /data/app/~~rkMSK5eCyK5y-1l0tS1AlQ==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-DUuZT4IxD5O6Z-81un6Dvg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523)
      #03 pc 000000000224b8cc  /data/app/~~rkMSK5eCyK5y-1l0tS1AlQ==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-DUuZT4IxD5O6Z-81un6Dvg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523)
      #04 pc 0000000002244d00  /data/app/~~rkMSK5eCyK5y-1l0tS1AlQ==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-DUuZT4IxD5O6Z-81un6Dvg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523)
      #05 pc 000000000233fb94  /data/app/~~rkMSK5eCyK5y-1l0tS1AlQ==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-DUuZT4IxD5O6Z-81un6Dvg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523)
      #06 pc 0000000002336480  /data/app/~~rkMSK5eCyK5y-1l0tS1AlQ==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-DUuZT4IxD5O6Z-81un6Dvg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523)
      #07 pc 0000000002336910  /data/app/~~rkMSK5eCyK5y-1l0tS1AlQ==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-DUuZT4IxD5O6Z-81un6Dvg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523)
      #08 pc 0000000002242e6c  /data/app/~~rkMSK5eCyK5y-1l0tS1AlQ==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-DUuZT4IxD5O6Z-81un6Dvg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523)
      #09 pc 0000000002266cd8  /data/app/~~rkMSK5eCyK5y-1l0tS1AlQ==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-DUuZT4IxD5O6Z-81un6Dvg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523)
      #10 pc 0000000002266e3c  /data/app/~~rkMSK5eCyK5y-1l0tS1AlQ==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-DUuZT4IxD5O6Z-81un6Dvg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523)
      #11 pc 0000000002556f60  /data/app/~~rkMSK5eCyK5y-1l0tS1AlQ==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-DUuZT4IxD5O6Z-81un6Dvg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523)
      #12 pc 00000000021850e0  /data/app/~~rkMSK5eCyK5y-1l0tS1AlQ==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-DUuZT4IxD5O6Z-81un6Dvg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523)
      #13 pc 0000000002185280  /data/app/~~rkMSK5eCyK5y-1l0tS1AlQ==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-DUuZT4IxD5O6Z-81un6Dvg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523)
      #14 pc 00000000021d38c0  /data/app/~~rkMSK5eCyK5y-1l0tS1AlQ==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-DUuZT4IxD5O6Z-81un6Dvg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523)
      #15 pc 0000000001d36cd4  /data/app/~~rkMSK5eCyK5y-1l0tS1AlQ==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-DUuZT4IxD5O6Z-81un6Dvg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523)
      #16 pc 0000000001d3c780  /data/app/~~rkMSK5eCyK5y-1l0tS1AlQ==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-DUuZT4IxD5O6Z-81un6Dvg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523)
      #17 pc 0000000000018b70  /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollInner(int)+1252) (BuildId: d0c24e3b7b6c7152eb82e77a5d2271e6)
      #18 pc 0000000000018628  /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollOnce(int, int*, int*, void**)+124) (BuildId: d0c24e3b7b6c7152eb82e77a5d2271e6)
      #19 pc 000000000001a184  /system/lib64/libandroid.so (ALooper_pollOnce+104) (BuildId: dbf30e0b6c5eecb1fe92ea8735ce42b5)
      #20 pc 0000000001d3c708  /data/app/~~rkMSK5eCyK5y-1l0tS1AlQ==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-DUuZT4IxD5O6Z-81un6Dvg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523)
      #21 pc 0000000001d36c20  /data/app/~~rkMSK5eCyK5y-1l0tS1AlQ==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-DUuZT4IxD5O6Z-81un6Dvg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523)
      #22 pc 0000000001d3a9ec  /data/app/~~rkMSK5eCyK5y-1l0tS1AlQ==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-DUuZT4IxD5O6Z-81un6Dvg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523)
      #23 pc 0000000001d3a884  /data/app/~~rkMSK5eCyK5y-1l0tS1AlQ==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-DUuZT4IxD5O6Z-81un6Dvg==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523)
      #24 pc 00000000000fd0f4  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+208) (BuildId: 02a91a85343debb2911714273ff2b670)
      #25 pc 0000000000096a04  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+68) (BuildId: 02a91a85343debb2911714273ff2b670)
Lost connection to device.

FMorschel commented 1 week ago
On Windows I got the following for adding an import with `--verbose` ```console [+5330 ms] Skipping target: gen_localizations [ +12 ms] Skipping target: gen_dart_plugin_registrant [ ] Skipping target: _composite [ ] complete [ +818 ms] Scanned through 2478 files in 795ms [ +2 ms] Compiling dart to kernel with 1 updated files [ ] Processing bundle. [ ] <- recompile package:produtores/main.dart fc79f6d0-8392-4ca1-9a42-92684f34c280 [ ] package:produtores/src/home.dart [ ] <- fc79f6d0-8392-4ca1-9a42-92684f34c280 [ +9 ms] Bundle processing done. [ +202 ms] Updating files. [ ] Pending asset builds completed. Writing dirty entries. [ +8 ms] DevFS: Sync finished [ ] Synced 0.1MB. [ +507 ms] become: Cannot forward to multiple targets [ ] before: 197767420f1 [ ] after: 197697133d1 [ ] before header: 3336 [ ] after header: e69336 [ +84 ms] Service protocol connection closed. [ ] Lost connection to device. [ +1 ms] DevFS: Deleting filesystem on the device (file:///C:/Users/FELIP_~1/AppData/Local/Temp/produtoresef0d6b8c/produtores/) [ +4 ms] DevFS: Deleted filesystem on the device (file:///C:/Users/FELIP_~1/AppData/Local/Temp/produtoresef0d6b8c/produtores/) [ +15 ms] "flutter run" took 96.132ms. [ +7 ms] ensureAnalyticsSent: 0ms [ ] Running 2 shutdown hooks [ +4 ms] Shutdown hooks complete [ ] exiting with code 0 Exited. ```
On Android I get a lot more things - I'm not sure they're relevant - doing the same thing ```console [ +371 ms] E/DartVM (15221): become: Cannot forward to multiple targets [ ] E/DartVM (15221): before: 6f09a526f1 [ ] E/DartVM (15221): after: 6f09e1ebb1 [ ] E/DartVM (15221): before header: 3236 [ ] E/DartVM (15221): after header: 67c236 [ +1 ms] F/libc (15221): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2c0 in tid 15814 (DartWorker), pid 15221 (soft.produtores) [ +881 ms] *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** [ +49 ms] Build fingerprint: 'samsung/dm3qxxx/dm3q:14/UP1A.231005.007/S918BXXS6CXFC:user/release-keys' [ +18 ms] Revision: '13' [ ] ABI: 'arm64' [ ] Processor: '7' [ ] Timestamp: 2024-09-03 23:00:25.787141809-0300 [ ] Process uptime: 86s [ ] Cmdline: br.inf.sunsoft.produtores [ ] pid: 15221, tid: 15814, name: DartWorker >>> br.inf.sunsoft.produtores <<< [ ] uid: 10883 [ ] tagged_addr_ctrl: 0000000000000001 (PR_TAGGED_ADDR_ENABLE) [ ] pac_enabled_keys: 000000000000000f (PR_PAC_APIAKEY, PR_PAC_APIBKEY, PR_PAC_APDAKEY, PR_PAC_APDBKEY) [ ] signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x00000000000002c0 [ ] Cause: null pointer dereference [ ] x0 b400007080529490 x1 0000006f09e1ebb1 x2 0000000000000004 x3 0000000000000061 [ ] x4 0000000000000021 x5 000000000adec122 x6 0000000000000010 x7 7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f [ ] x8 0000000000000000 x9 00000070ae1bf640 x10 b400007080529490 x11 0000000000000001 [ ] x12 0000007199d6f180 x13 0000000000000000 x14 0000007199d6f230 x15 00000707fa35be3b [ ] x16 00000070ae19dfd8 x17 000000726635dd58 x18 0000007070912000 x19 00000070abd66636 [ ] x20 b4000070805294a0 x21 b400007080529490 x22 0000006f09e1ebb1 x23 0000006f09a526f1 [ ] x24 0000006f09a526f0 x25 000000000000007a x26 00000070ae12a818 x27 0000000000000001 [ ] x28 00000070ae1bf000 x29 0000000000000000 [ ] lr 00000070adede0d4 sp 0000007199d70980 pc 00000070adede0e0 pst 0000000020001000 [ ] 16 total frames [ ] backtrace: [ ] #00 pc 000000000237c0e0 /data/app/~~gdCmVCgHA7BBohhsoHzjfA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Uc2jpfg4OvOc6bl1-_ZFdQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523) [ ] #01 pc 000000000237c03c /data/app/~~gdCmVCgHA7BBohhsoHzjfA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Uc2jpfg4OvOc6bl1-_ZFdQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523) [ ] #02 pc 000000000224f5f0 /data/app/~~gdCmVCgHA7BBohhsoHzjfA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Uc2jpfg4OvOc6bl1-_ZFdQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523) [ ] #03 pc 000000000224b8cc /data/app/~~gdCmVCgHA7BBohhsoHzjfA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Uc2jpfg4OvOc6bl1-_ZFdQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523) [ ] #04 pc 0000000002244d00 /data/app/~~gdCmVCgHA7BBohhsoHzjfA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Uc2jpfg4OvOc6bl1-_ZFdQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523) [ ] #05 pc 000000000233fb94 /data/app/~~gdCmVCgHA7BBohhsoHzjfA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Uc2jpfg4OvOc6bl1-_ZFdQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523) [ ] #06 pc 0000000002336480 /data/app/~~gdCmVCgHA7BBohhsoHzjfA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Uc2jpfg4OvOc6bl1-_ZFdQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523) [ ] #07 pc 0000000002336910 /data/app/~~gdCmVCgHA7BBohhsoHzjfA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Uc2jpfg4OvOc6bl1-_ZFdQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523) [ ] #08 pc 0000000002242e6c /data/app/~~gdCmVCgHA7BBohhsoHzjfA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Uc2jpfg4OvOc6bl1-_ZFdQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523) [ ] #09 pc 0000000002266cd8 /data/app/~~gdCmVCgHA7BBohhsoHzjfA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Uc2jpfg4OvOc6bl1-_ZFdQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523) [ ] #10 pc 0000000002267138 /data/app/~~gdCmVCgHA7BBohhsoHzjfA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Uc2jpfg4OvOc6bl1-_ZFdQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523) [ +3 ms] #11 pc 000000000235f674 /data/app/~~gdCmVCgHA7BBohhsoHzjfA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Uc2jpfg4OvOc6bl1-_ZFdQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523) [ ] #12 pc 000000000235f86c /data/app/~~gdCmVCgHA7BBohhsoHzjfA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Uc2jpfg4OvOc6bl1-_ZFdQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523) [ ] #13 pc 00000000022f122c /data/app/~~gdCmVCgHA7BBohhsoHzjfA==/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores-Uc2jpfg4OvOc6bl1-_ZFdQ==/lib/arm64/libflutter.so (BuildId: 911fd04dbef2191ba2894e3b725d6e88db94e523) [ ] #14 pc 00000000000fd0f4 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+208) (BuildId: 02a91a85343debb2911714273ff2b670) [ ] #15 pc 0000000000096a04 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+68) (BuildId: 02a91a85343debb2911714273ff2b670) [ +26 ms] Service protocol connection closed. [ ] Lost connection to device. [ +1 ms] DevFS: Deleting filesystem on the device (file:///data/user/0/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores/code_cache/produtoresPKMSYA/produtores/) [ ] DevFS: Deleted filesystem on the device (file:///data/user/0/br.inf.sunsoft.produtores/code_cache/produtoresPKMSYA/produtores/) [ +15 ms] "flutter run" took 199.640ms. [ +5 ms] ensureAnalyticsSent: 0ms [ ] Running 2 shutdown hooks [ +4 ms] Shutdown hooks complete [ +1 ms] exiting with code 0 Exited. ```

If I can give you anything in the meantime please let me know. I'll try and dismantle the project clone now to see if I can rule out what is doing this.