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dart api docs footer should have ability to be dismissed/closed #5890

Open Luckey-Elijah opened 3 weeks ago

Luckey-Elijah commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the problem

When browsing on https://api.dart.dev/, there is a persistent footer. On desktop, the space it occupies is not much, but on mobile the footer takes up much more of the valuable screen space (about 10% - 20% of the entire screen).

Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 3 45 19 PM

Expected fix

I would like a way to

  1. dismiss the footer,
  2. a footer that is not pinned/persistent,
  3. or a smaller footer on the mobile viewports

On which browser(s) did you experience this issue?

Firefox, Safari

Additional context


I would like to fix this problem.