dart-lang / site-www

Source for Dart website
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Update privacy.md #5927

Closed mit-mit closed 1 week ago

mit-mit commented 1 week ago

Update per offline feedback from privacy

Thanks for your contribution! Please replace this text with a description of what this PR is changing or adding and why, list any relevant issues, and review the contribution guidelines below.


Contribution guidelines:
- See our [contributor guide](https://github.com/dart-lang/site-www/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) for general expectations for PRs. - Larger or significant changes should be discussed in an issue before creating a PR. - Code changes should generally follow the [Dart style guide](https://dart.dev/effective-dart) and use `dart format`. - Updates to [code excerpts](https://github.com/dart-lang/site-shared/blob/main/doc/code-excerpts.md) indicated by `
dart-github-bot commented 1 week ago

Visit the preview URL for this PR (updated for commit 9712c2786ecdc99d59069ee894655701657086c4):
