Below is my code. Everything work like a charm but there is no way to know if my message is sent to server or not. I want to know that because sometimes I send message but the server does not forward it to the recipient. Plugin like already support that but I do not want to go with that as it is not well maintained and has very less stars.
class WebSocketBloc {
static WebSocketBloc of(final BuildContext context) => Provider.of(context);
final _wsUrl = 'ws://${baseIp}ws/chat/';
WebSocketChannel? _channel;
ValueListenable<WsChatResponse?> get message => _message;
final ValueNotifier<WsChatResponse?> _message = ValueNotifier(null);
ValueListenable<bool> get isChannelConnected => _isChannelConnected;
final ValueNotifier<bool> _isChannelConnected = ValueNotifier(false);
static const _tag = 'WebSocketBloc';
// make sure that this method called on entry point of internal app features
Future<void> initChat(
final int myUserId,
) async {
try {
if (_isChannelConnected.value) {
logD(_tag, message: 'WS is already connected');
_channel = WebSocketChannel.connect(
await _channel?.ready;
_isChannelConnected.value = true;
logD(_tag, message: 'WS connected');
_channel?.stream.listen((final message) {
logD(_tag, message: 'message received - $message');
try {
final jsonString = message as String?;
if (jsonString == null) {
throw Exception('got null message');
final response = WsChatResponse.fromJsonString(jsonString);
_message.value = response;
logD(_tag, message: 'message published - $message');
} catch (e) {
logE(_tag, message: e.toString());
} catch (e) {
logE(_tag, message: e.toString());
bool sendMessage(final WsChatRequest chatRequest) {
if (!_isChannelConnected.value) {
return false;
logD(_tag, message: 'message sent - ${chatRequest.text}');
final request = chatRequest.toJsonEncodedString();
return true;
Future<void> dispose() async {
_isChannelConnected.value = false;
logD(_tag, message: 'WS disposed');
await _channel?.sink.close();
_channel = null;
websocket sends and delivers messages asynchronously and does not have a synchronous response like http requests do, so you need to implement the message acknowledgment mechanism yourself
Below is my code. Everything work like a charm but there is no way to know if my message is sent to server or not. I want to know that because sometimes I send message but the server does not forward it to the recipient. Plugin like already support that but I do not want to go with that as it is not well maintained and has very less stars.